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SASHES AND TIARAS.....Nancy O'Dell Will Wear NIKOLAKI to Host Miss Universe

I am so thrilled and excited to announce that Nancy_O'Dell the Beautiful Hostess for the Miss Universe Pageant will be wearing a Gown I custom designed just for her! What an amazing night it will be for Project Runway. With Kayne dressing Miss_USA, Santino judging and my gown on Nancy O'Dell, it will be a PR Triple Threat! Be sure to watch the Pageant at 9pm on NBC and Telemundo and show your Project Runway support. I will be there, of course, and will report back with fun photos and stories to tell! Click HERE for details on the airing of the pageant.

10 Responses to "SASHES AND TIARAS.....Nancy O'Dell Will Wear NIKOLAKI to Host Miss Universe"

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've watched one of these beauty pageants since I was like 12, but I am SO watching tonight! Congratulations, Nick, on designing Nancy's dress!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick:

I don't watch beauty pageants...but tonights is different!

I was just on the pageant website and it didn't say anything about Santino judging! It did mention a "PR" surprise, though.

I looked for pics of Tara in Kayne's dress, but they had her in something else for the "Miss Photogenic" contest.

Can't wait to see what beautiful dress you designed for Nancy O'Dell. I'm sure it will put all the other dresses to shame.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Nick!

Congratulations for designing Nancy's gown!
I know it will be awsome!

I can't wait for watch Miss Universe!

Love You
CAROL, brazil

Anonymous said...


The dress is gorgeous!
I loved. Nancy is so pretty at it!



Love you =*

Anonymous said...

Just watched Miss Univerwse! :-) Nancy's dresses were both fabulous! And so was Tara's dress!

Anonymous said...

Which one was Nick's? I'm hoping it's the second one...

katiecoo said...

Congrats Nick! Can't wait to hear what you have to share about it. Both dresses were fact, I thought her evening gown was more beautiful than any of the contestants! Oops! ;)


Anonymous said...

Ohh Nick! Thank you so much for taking a picure with me at the after ball!! I LOVE JOO! I was stalking with my eyes looking for you all the time during the show XD You made my night! I was close to tears and so nervous!
You left before I could ask you if you knew where Santino was though..I found him though :P

Anonymous said...

Congrats Nick! I can not believe Santino is one of the judges. I literally screamed (for joy, of course!) when he was annouced a judge. Anyways, congrats again, and I loved you on PR. Take care.

Anonymous said...

omg, I didn't read this post until today (monday) and when I watched Miss Universe pageant yesterday and I saw Nancy's gown!! I thought "I wonder if Nick designed it!" because it looked like your style!! DUH. now I know you designed it!! OMG, gorgeous dress!!

also, I think I saw you there!!

you continue to suprise me and make me happy. We love your clothes!!! keep on designing!!