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» PROJECT RUNWAY.....Nick Verreos Project Runway Blog on People.com
PROJECT RUNWAY.....Nick Verreos Project Runway Blog on People.com
I have been asked several times to give my "Two Cents" on the episodes of the new Season of Project Runway. Well, you ask , and you shall receive! I am honored to say that People.com has asked me to write a blog on the new season. So now, instead of just e-mailing my friends my commentary on the show and the designers, a whole lot more people are going to get to read it.
Being that I was a designer on the previous season, I think this gives me a bit of a special and unique insight into the show, it's challenges and the drama that ensues as a result. I will also be coming from my experience working in the Industry for 15 years as well as an Instructor of fashion design, sketching and patternmaking .
I am giving some honest, yet biting commentary. You might agree or disagree with my comments, but heck, it's nothing that wasn't already dished out to me!
Click HERE to read my people.com blog.

11 Responses to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Nick Verreos Project Runway Blog on People.com"
Kudos on the new blog, Uncle Nick! I am so loving Kayne & Robert... Vincent is CAH-RAYZEE, but when he chose Jia as his model that gave me the sickening suspicion that he makes it to The Final 3. Yikes.
Tell ya momminem I aksed how she durrin. Bye honey!
I think Vincent would be an absolute NightMARE to work with. I don't do well with the crazies. Love Robert - he's one of my favorites. Keith is just a wee bit creepy. Adore Alison and Laura. Kayne is fabulous. Jeffrey, not so much. Actually a bit sad to see Malan go. All in all a good season is shaping up. Looking forward to all the DAH-RAMA unfolding.
Nick! I love this blog, and I'm thrilled that you'll be doing one for People.com also. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this... you're right, you DO have unique insight! :-)
Hi Nick:
I'm thrilled that my numerous inquiries of your "take" have finally been answered! But, where is your commentary on episode 301?
Love, love, love Robert Best (he should have won the first challenge). He and Kayne were hysterical together (disco ball anyone?).
Love you Nick!
Uncle Nick!
I LOVED! You're doing a new blog!
I hope you still making commentaries here.
I Love you
Carol, Brazil
eee! and just think, i was already peeing with happiness when i got sent the link to this blog! there are gaggles of us out here who think you're faboo, toots.
i am soooo with the others who are digging on robert and kayne. this year can we please shed some of the less talented ones who might otherwise be kept "just for the drama of it all" but whom really have no place there? i hate it when crapola like that goes on. hmph.
off to check out the other blog....
Hey Nick.....luv'ya^^
I'm from Brazil and u and Daniel V. are the favorites here^^
When I become rich u will design all my clothes.....
Nick Verreos RoX!!!
Kiss =*
Daniel V. have an Blog too??
Glad that there is life after Project Runway for you and a better time for you. Don't agree about Vincent and to me it was all Angela. Horrible to have someone breathing down your neck when you are trying to work on anything. Is so sad about Malan and so sad in his exit video that he praised the evil Laura.
I love this new blog Nick! I love reading your take on the episodes this season.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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