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Open House, FIDM San Diego

FIDM, San Diego Open House This last weekend, I was invited back to San Diego(soon becoming my second home!) to do a couple of Mini-Speeking engagements with the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising at their "Open House". When I arrived at the school, guess what was waiting for me? A Plant Dress!! A local florist, by th name of Peggi Walker( who does amazing designs created a dress out of flowers and plants! It was beautiful and very well done. She said that I should have called her when I was struggling with my flower/plant dress. I wish I even had that option during the challenge! The FIDM "Open House" invites High School students , post- college degree professionals, anyone interested in possibly attending the school for a tour of the school, its facilities, classes, etc. It was fun to meet students who are thinking about fashion and studying design or apparel manufacturing. I spoke about my experience, my schooling, my role as an Instructor as well as a working designer in the industry. The feedback I receive d from everyone who attended was positive and constructive. Cannot wait to go back!

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5 Responses to "Open House, FIDM San Diego"

Wahyuna said...

are you really nick verroes? i'm having my doubts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick!
You look fabulous!
Thanks for mentioning me on your blog...I do a full line of floral couture if you ever need it.
Hats are great fun, too!
I did notice however that my name is mispelled and will not actually direct people to my website.
it is (not peggY)..
Thanks again!
I wish you all the best!

andreita said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Nick!

Anonymous said...

mr. nick verreos!!!! i've had your blog bookmarked on my laptop for forever, but didn't have the guts to comment until now! i had theee most wonderful opportunity of meeting you at fidm in sd, and that was the only reason i went. i had gone to their previous open house in april, but wanted to go again just to see you this time! you signed my fidm folder and even drew a beautiful sketch for me, which i will frame and cherish forever! it was just a surreal experience to meet you and hear you talk and come out to meet potential fidm students. i absolutely love your personality especially your sense of humor, and it was great to see how humble and respectful you are. because of that i really look up to you and think you are a great role model. i hope to meet you again or to see one of your shows which would be a dream come true! i wish you even more success than you have already achieved!! thank you for being my inspiration!