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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 6 Project Runway Recaps: Episode 6

Can Fashion Designers Be Costume Designers?This last week's episode of Season 6 Project Runway was the "Design a Look for a Movie Genre" challenge. I was intrigued since I know several costume designers and my NIKOLAKI partner-in-fashion-crime, David Paul actually received his Master's from UCLA in Costume Design and his resume boasts either designing or assisting in designing the costumes/wardrobe for many different well known TV shows. We both watched very intently. Hollywood Costume Designer God: A look designed by Costume Designer Adrian Hollywood has always had a strong tradition of having AMAZING costume designers, such as the incredible Adrian (he designed the costumes for The Wizard of Oz and many, many other films) and of course, Edith Head, who contributed to the UBER elegant look of Grace Kelly. So with that, I thought this was the perfect challenge for the "LA Season" of Project Runway. If you read my Recap on, I wrote a little bit about the fact that after seeing the designs come down the runway and who the judges picked--and didn't pick--I was a tad bit confused. I was also confused at the challenge itself and whether the designers were asked to be Costume Designers or just be Fashion Designers injecting "a bit" of costume design elements into their look. I loved how Tanisha worked Althea's "Film Noir" look with the handkerchief and black-and-white outfit; it was a strong "overall" showing for both Althea and her model. I also have to say that when model Lisa Blades came down the runway in Carol Hannah's "Action Adventure" design, I DID NOT even recognize her! I also thought they made a fabulous "tag-team" designer-and-model duo. My favorite, however was the same as the judges, Nicolas' Ice Queen. Designing costumes is definitely his forte!Incredible Arianne: Arianne Phillips (with Madonna) and an Arianne Phillips-styled W Magazine cover and photo spread I also loved seeing Arianne Phillips as one of the judges. I personally know Arianne and admire her work. I am often in awe of her talent and what her incredible creative mind can cojure up. Besides being an Academy Award-nominated Costume Designer, she is also Madonna's Stylist and has styled all her W Magazine photo spreads as well as many FIERCE Vogue Italia ones. Love Miss Arianne!Michael Kors is coming BAAAACK!!!!!! Speaking of judges: Don't forget, Michael Kors WILL BE BACK NEXT WEEK!!!!! I know fans of Project Runway have been wondering where the heck he has been. Well, kiddies, someone's got to run his multi-million dollar empire! So, I am sure that it might have been a bit difficult to get out to LA for several days to judge, but by the looks of things, he finally got to sneak off and come back to LA!!!! Click HERE for my Recap of Episode 6 and be sure to tell me what you thought. Maybe you can help me with my "confusion".

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