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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 8 Project Runway Recaps: Episode 5

Gretchen Drives A.J. off the Project Runway Bus!
Keanu and Sandra 2.0: A.J Thuvenot and Gretchen Jones driving the Project Runway Bus
Hi faithful Season 8 Project Runway blog readers! I've been in GORGEOUS Chicago (the weather here has been so PRETTY!!!!) filming my fun & fabulous "Reveal" fashion segments for The Victory Project Chicago so I am writing this to you from my hotel room (the very swanky Peninsula Hotel!!) "business center". This last week's episode was the infamous Team Challenge...

The Headlining Star of this Team Challenge Episode was none other than Gretchen Jones. She was the losing team's "Bus Driver" (to coin Mr. Kors) and she drove all her little passengers to the Fashion Doldrums. I am still not over how she has transformed from that first episode intro: "I'm-just-a-sweet-girl-from-Portland-who-loves-to-design-using-sustainable-fabrics Gretchen" to a savvy-cutthroat-reality show villain.
The Good:
Cuchi Cuchi Casanova's elegant, refined and (finally) not tasteless winning ensemble! Loved it and love the looks he is giving me: One week he's a "Fashion Boy Scout", and the next... He is Samantha's Gay Best Friend from "Sex And The City 2" (that is some cleavage huney!). The Not So Good:
A.J. Thuvenot's shirt-tunic, riding pants and boots ensemble were so NOT A.J.'s "style"(where's the bright pink, the bows, toys dangling from bustiers??) and looked like...
Professional Equestrian/heiress Athina Onassis Roussel de Miranda (above)... on a budget!
Well, with no further's my Episode 5 Project Runway Recap: Bus Driver Gretchen Steers Her Passengers Into a Drab, Messy Ditch
One word: WOW! What an episode! Three things off the bat: Why do I have a strong urge to A.) douse myself with rubbing alcohol to rid myself of all the nastiness, B.) feel like I would NEVER want to be on a team headed by Gretchen and C.) want to bring some Kleenex to poor ol' Michael C. to try and console him? This last episode got me all riled up: There was DRAMA, egos, lots of crying, a designer wanting to leave and another designer becoming the official LOCA of this season. I cannot wait to get started … Click HERE to read my entire Recap (and be sure to leave your comments!)

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1 Response to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 8 Project Runway Recaps: Episode 5"

Fatima Castaneda said...

True it was drama all towards the end of the show. What Team Luxe sent down the runway was drab and pathetic- just plain ugly!