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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 12 Project Runway Recaps: Episode 1 Parachute Style

 Emmy-nominated Hosts: "Project Runway's" Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn

Hellooooo!!!! (think of how Heidi Klum would say it!)--Yes kids, it's "Project Runway" time again. Last night was the Season Premiere of "Project Runway" Season 12! TWELVE seasons! Oh and did I mention it got nominated once again for an Emmy!? ("Survivor" and "American Idol" did not--ouchey!). And Heidi and Tim also got nominated for Outstanding Reality Competition Hosts--together! Congrats!!

Photo Courtesy of

There was A LOT of speculation leading up to last night's premiere when Lifetime released preview video of the first episode weeks ago showing the supposed skydivers jumping out of planes: EVERYONE thought "Oh Dear! Are the designers really going to be doing that!!?". Nope, thank goodness that didn't happen. Those were professionals. The point was to announce the First Challenge: to create a look out of Parachute Fabric, of course!

Now, there were lots of "Firsts" and new things happening in this season of the show:

 Tim Gunn with judges (left to right) actress Kate Bosworth, Nina Garcia of Marie Claire and designer Zac Posen

Something New No. 1: Tim Gunn has a much-more involved role. Not only does he co-host, mentor and console the designers but he also takes part in the judges' runway process by bringing out the top and bottom designs for an up close-and-personal look. He also gets to save a designer. I think these are great new additions to the show.

Something New No. 2: The first ever hearing impaired/deaf contestant on "Project Runway", Justin LeBlanc

 Something new No. 3: Seeing the model's CHA-CHA! (more on that later)--Photo Courtesy of (Thank Goodness they got that screencap!)

 Parachute Runway:
 Parachute Couture: Model Carmen Kass models the ULTIMATE in a "parachute-inspired" look--Christian Dior Autumn/Winter 1999/2000 Collection designed by John Galliano (this 'chute is made of silk and all hand-stitched!)--This is what I was looking for in terms of looks from the designers but I realize it may have been a too-high aspiration, but nevertheless...

Here were some of my Faves:
Sue Waller: Great job on this dress--very directional and probably the most "high fashion' of all the looks that came down the runway. And I also love that the colors reminded me of the Galliano-designed Christian Dior Haute Couture creation from the photos above

Jeremy Brandick: Also LOVED this look--the skinny "parachute pants" were an updated--and so chic--version of the type of "parachute pants" I wore back in the late 80s (Oh Dear!)

Bradon McDonald: Bradon was the Winner with this beautifully ethereal, floaty dress/gown with rope detail. The colors were glorious, the movement on the runway was all added up to a definite winner!

The Bottom:
Sandro Masmanidi: Oh huney! Yes kids THIS was the look which showed the model's V-Jay-Jay (notice how she's covering her CHA-CHA up with the ropes). Not cute. A vulgar mess in fact. She looked like a "Lolita" hooker who got caught in a parachute landing accident.

Timothy Westbrook: Timothy is one of the "characters" of this season. I have my thoughts on Timothy but you'll have to read my Lifetime "Project Runway Blog" Recap (starts at end of this post). In terms of his design--just take a look above. To add insult to injury, he sent his model barefoot and sans makeup and hair products. Tragique. I though he should have gone home.

But the Worst (according to the judges):

 Angela Bacskocky: Angela created a hooded poncho. And nothing else. Bye Angela.

And now, without further ado, here is what I REALLY thought of the premiere Episode on "Project Runway Blog" Recap:

Runway Freefall

"Project Runway" is BAAACK: last night was the premiere of Season 12 of "Project Runway" and there's been some shake-ups. It took almost 10 years (Season 1 debuted in 2004!) and 11 seasons later for "Project Runway" to stir up its own classic format. As the saying goes, "If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it," but obviously someone thought it was time for some fixin'—and some new additions. So before I get to the new cast and my "Nick Two Cents" on this premiere episode, let's discuss:
The New
• First "Project Runway" designer/contestant to be hearing impaired/deaf.
• The runway got a "Hollywood set" makeover—stage lights and video screen.
• New retail partner: Belks—a department store chain with over 300 locations, primarily in the South.
• Instead of weekly challenge money, the designers will get a GoBank Debit Card and will manage their spending for the entire season.
• Anonymous runway show—judges don’t know who’s designs are coming down the runway.
• Tim offers opinions to judges and sits with the judges during runway.
• Tim brings up the top and bottom designs so judges can view them up close and personal.
• Tim Gunn gets to save a designer; only one for the entire season.
• And a prize package estimated at half a million dollars!
I am intrigued by a couple of these new additions, such as the judges not knowing whose designs are coming down the runway and the up close-and-personal look into the garments. (God forbid they did that during my season—several of my hot-glue-and-safety pin-loving cast mates would have been IN TROUBLE!).
Cast of Characters
I had the pleasure of judging the Los Angeles Castings/Auditions—along with Tim Gunn—and was happy to see two of the designers we chose make the final cut: Alexandria von Bromssen (the Aristocratic-sounding Euro from San Mateo) and Bradon McDonald (the former Mark Morris dancer who just graduated from FIDM, my alma mater). Besides these two, there's a bevy of "characters": (among others) a high heel-wearing sustainable fabric-burning unicorn lover; a swarthy mustachioed Russian with...

CLICK HERE to continue reading my RECAP! 

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1 Response to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 12 Project Runway Recaps: Episode 1 Parachute Style"

MoHub said...

I would like to have had a better look at each of the original parachutes before the designers started working with them. I'm still unsure as to whether the predominantly white dress—Angela's?—was more parachute material or supplemental fabric.