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NICK APPEARANCES.....Macy's 5 Essentials Of Fall Fashion Show, Macy's Columbus Ohio: RECAP

 Work It: Nick Verreos, Hosting Macy's Polaris Fashion Place "Fall's Five Essentials Fashion Show", Columbus Ohio

Last weekend I flew to Columbus Ohio to host the Macy's "Fall's Five Essentials" Fashion Show at Macy's Polaris Fashion Place in Columbus Ohio. I was so excited to come back to Ohio. I had hosted various events in Cincinnati for Macy's but this was my first time in Columbus...
Last Thursday night, I had showcased my NIKOLAKI Collection--along with my NIKOLAKI Co-Designer David Paul--as part of Vanidades "Magia de la Moda" Funkshion Miami Beach Fashion Week (Look out for a RECAP of that on this blog soon!) and had to fly out to Ohio the very next day. In fact, my plane left at 5 AM so I called a taxi for 3 AM to take me to the airport. To make a long story short, I made it to Ohio by 9 AM in time to shoot a couple of Columbus Ohio Morning/Daytime Talk Shows to promote the Macy's event.  Remember, this outfit was what I wore on my 5 AM flight from Florida to North Carolina (my transfer city) to then, Ohio, so can you only imagine the looks from the passengers thinking "Why Is This Guy Wearing a Purple Jacket and skinny black FIVE in the Morning???"...

First up was Good Day Columbus on WTTE FOX 28 with anchors Shawn Ireland and Marshall McPeek

 Ohio models Megan and Ifeoma showing the "Statement Blouse" and "Oversized Cardigan" looks--"Good Day Columbus" Morning TV Show

I had a blast with Shawn and Marshall showing them some of the Five Essentials Of Fall fashions I would be showcasing later at Macy's Polaris, and somehow...

They coaxed me into being part of a "Mongolian Grill" food segment of their show--Nick Verreos and "bd's Mongolian Grill" Chef

Next...I was on "Daytime Columbus" afternoon TV Show with host Gail Hogan, also discussing Macy's Five Essentials of Fall and what I have been up to recently...

 Nick Verreos and "Daytime Columbus" host Gail Hogan

Columbus Ohio Team: (left to right, back) Models Ifeoma, Megan, Marielle, stylist Barbie Pallo, Kamal Bosamia, Media Relations Macy's. (Bottom row) Nick Verreos, "Daytime Columbus" host Gail Hogan

I brought 3 models with me to show a "preview" of what attendees would see at Macy's Polaris Columbus Ohio. The models featured these themes from our Macy's show: Military Jacket, Oversized Cardigan, Printed Pant and Sheath Dress. Gail and I had a great time; she said she was happy I was a bundle of energy (I think it was all the coffee I drank trying to stay up for 24 hrs because of my fashion show and flights!). 

After getting some well-deserved rest, the following afternoon was the event--Here are pics from my "Macy's Five Essentials of Fall" event at Macy's Polaris Fashion Place, Columbus Ohio:
Nick on Stage: Nick Verreos Hosts Macy's "Five Essentials Of Fall" Fashion Show, Macy's Polaris Fashion Place Columbus Ohio

Nick Verreos and models--Macy's Polaris Fashion Place, Five Essentials Of Fall Fashion Show Columbus Ohio
 Post Show:
 Meet and Greet: Nick Verreos, Macy's Polaris Fashion Place Columbus Ohio

 (Left to right) Sarah Wantz of Macy's, Nick Verreos, Sarah's niece Meghan Wantz who helped me take most the photos you see here covering the event (Thank You!)--Macy's Polaris Fashion Place Columbus Ohio

 (Left to right) Stylist Barbie Pallo and Nick Verreos--Macy's Polaris Fashion Place Columbus Ohio

 Pink Cutie Pie: Nick Verreos and guest--Macy's Polaris Fashion Place Columbus Ohio

Nick Hearts Meg in Columbus: After my event, I made a pit stop to the Sephora at the Polaris Fashion Place mall, and stocked up on one of my "guilty pleasures": Guerlain Terracotta Spray. Thanks to the ever-so-fabulous Meg Perkins (above), I was taken care of :) PS: Meg Rocks--and her eye and lipstick makeup is SuperFab!

Oh, and did I mention that as a BONUS of hosting the Macy's event, I even got my eyebrows done..or shall I say, "fixed" by Brow Expert Angie Vera at Benefit Brow Bar, Macy's Polaris Fashion Place Columbus Ohio...

 Nick Eyebrow Fixin'--Macy's Polaris Fashion Place--Benefit Brow Bar

Thanks Benefit Brow Bar Polaris Fashion Place! And a HUGE Thank You to Columbus Ohio, Macy's and Macy's Polaris Fashion Place, for being such fabulous Hosts...I can't wait to be back! xoxo
*Click HERE for a fun interview I did with Capital Style Magazine, where I talked about the Five Fall Essential Fashions and much more

Click Below to Watch my Fall Fashion Tips "Daytime Columbus" Video:

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