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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 13 "Project Runway" NY Fashion Week Decoy Collections Part 2

Not A Finalist--Alexander Knox--"Project Runway" Season 13 Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week, Lincoln Center

In my last post, I discussed "Part One" of this season's Mercedes-Benz NY Fashion Week "Decoy" collections. Continuing with the "Decoy" collections of this season's "Project Runway" designers (the contestants who made it far enough to show at NY Fashion Week but didn't make the Top Four Final roster), it's time for the collections of "Hipster Boy" Alexander Knox, "Meany McMeany" Korina Emmerich, and this past week's latest "Auf'ed" designer, Emily Payne. First up, are the designs of Alexander Knox:

Thoughts: while I like the silver and black modern chic girl look, this collection needs maturity and LOTS of design development.; it's very "fresh out of fashion school 101". My favorite look is No. 2--the silver/white oval-shaped dress. But after that, it all goes into "MEH" territory afterward. I really hope Alexander lands a nice entry level Assistant Designer position/internship soon after all this. It will do him a lot of good to get some real world experience working in the design industry.

Next: Korina Emmerich
Korina Emmerich: Season 13 "Project Runway" Mercedes-Benz NY Fashion Week, Lincoln Center

Thoughts: I have to admit that, after seeing all the photos from this season's "Project Runway" Mercedes-Benz NY Fashion Week collections' photos, Korina's was one of my favorites! The collection was very on-trend--with its color-blocking and cropped-and-slim silhouettes...Throughout the season, we found out that she never met a MOTO jacket she didn't like, and she continued that theme for this collection. I thought it was well executed and consistent with who she is--design-wise. But...I cannot stop thinking of how she ended her time on the show so badly and the really, really bad taste in my mouth I (as well as most of the fans) have toward her.

Emily Payne: Season 13 "Project Runway" Mercedes-Benz NY Fashion Week, Lincoln Center

Thoughts: There were a lot of not-so-good collections form ALL these Season 13 designers and well, Emily's was pretty much up there. This collection lacked finesse, refinement, NY Fashion Week chic...I can only imagine what Nina would say if she had a chance. The second-to-last look (see above) was a look that a pregnant girl would even say "Nope! Not Happening!". This collection definitely screamed "Fashion School"; here's the thing, Emily (the designer) dressed herself BETTER than what she designed/created. My suggestion is to have Emily use herself as a Muse. What would she wear. Heres' a hint: NONE of this.

What do you guys think? Let me know...

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