It's time for my weekly RECAP of Season 15 "Project Runway"! First up, it's my "Top 5 OMG Moments" of the episode. The challenge this week was to create Swimwear for the "Heidi Klum Swim" line. As always, they made a big hullabaloo about how the Winner would have their look manufactured and sold as part of Miss Heidi's line. But, they (as always) didn't mention anything about that said winning designer getting any percentage of the sold swimsuits #JustSaying. Besides that, there were definitely some things I wanted to get off my chest about this episode so...
Who Do I "Heart"?...Find out by watching video below...
Click below to watch my "Top 5 OMG Moments of Episode 4 Project Runway":
Here are my Top 5 "OMG Moments":

(SIDE NOTE: How many lines does Miss Heidi Have?? She's got Lingerie, Workout, Children's, Swim...What's Next? "Heidi Klum Doggie Wear"?? Oh, wait, does she already have that?!).

#2.....OMG! JENNI! STEP AWAY FROM YOUR DESIGN! When Heidi and Tim came by the workroom for the Check-in's, Heidi made her concerns loud and clear regarding Jenni's questionable design.
She said it was a bit "older woman" and she didn't understand the cover-up. But Jenni stuck to her guns!
She may have changed the bottom--just a little bit--but for the most part, she sent down the runway the same design Heidi HATED!
Jenni suffered from what I like to call: NOT Having a Critical Eye. Every now and then, you have to STEP AWAY FROM YOUR DESIGN...Go have lunch, dinner, BREAAATHE! And then come back and see it from a more critical perspective. Jenni didn't, and the judges were not pleased.
She said it was a bit "older woman" and she didn't understand the cover-up. But Jenni stuck to her guns!
She may have changed the bottom--just a little bit--but for the most part, she sent down the runway the same design Heidi HATED!
Jenni suffered from what I like to call: NOT Having a Critical Eye. Every now and then, you have to STEP AWAY FROM YOUR DESIGN...Go have lunch, dinner, BREAAATHE! And then come back and see it from a more critical perspective. Jenni didn't, and the judges were not pleased.
#3.....OMG! LABIA WHUUUUT??? This episode became a lesson in the female anatomy....From HUNGRY BUTT to SCHNOOOO SLIP to CAMELTOE to LABIA SPILLAGE....It was all about the LADY PARTS. Frankly, as a Gay Man, I was like "
#4.....OMG! THE BOTTOM THREE! There's no denying that the Bottom Three were the WORST of the bunch--Tasha's Teeny Weeny Rasta Sushi Bikini (that should be a song!), Jenni's Lavender Pant Slash Skirt cover-up Reveal and Sarah's unremarkable Junior's Creation....Lots of the designers struggled with the whole Swimwear Design Challenge but Tasha, Jenni and Sarah really SANK! The judges got it right this week anointing these three as the worst.
In addition to my "OMG Top 5 Moments Video", you can read my MyLifetime.com "Project Runway" RECAP:

Season 15, Episode 4 Recap: Sink or Swim
This week, the “Project Runway” designers found out that
creating swimwear is not easy. Most designers who have worked in the industry
know this already, but many people outside of the fashion world think it is
just the opposite: it’s only a small piece of fabric and it stretches, no need
for much construction… easy-breezy right? Not so much. There’s a reason
why swimsuits can go for $100 or more. It’s all in the minutiae and labor
involved in those precise details including binding, piping, wiring, shrinking,
and stretching fabrication. In addition, it takes at least 5-10 fittings per
garment to finalize a proper swimsuit fit. Only a small group of the designers
succeeded this week in taking the plunge into swimwear while others really sank
to the bottom! Let’s recap…
1 Response to "PROJECT RUNWAY....My TOP 5 OMG MOMENTS: Ep. 4"
Can we talk about Cornelius and how Tracy Morgan already played that role while being Brian Fellow?
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