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 Nick Verreos YouTube "Top 5 OMG Moments" Episode 14/Finale Season 15 Project Runway

Last week was the New York Fashion Week Finale Episode of Season 15 "Project Runway" on Lifetime Network. It was down to the Top Four: Rik, Laurence, Roberi and Erin. In case you missed the episode last week and were completely OFF THE SOCIAL MEDIA/Facebook Grid--you might want to click on another site now. But...if you are on the "up and up": The winner was Erin Roberston, the fresh-out-of-art/fashion-school designer who loved COLOR, unusual EMBELLISHMENTS and SEQUINS...and ultimately, Banana prints!

Who Was My Favorite? Well, you'd have to click below to watch my "Top 5 OMG Moments" YouTube Video to find out--as well as read my RECAP on "Project Runway" Blog (keep reading here). But...I know that Erin's win has caused a big uproar on Facebook/Social Media with lots of fans saying that Runner-up Roberi Parra was "robbed" and that he should have been the winner. His collection was superb and well done. It was merchandised and styled beautifully and looking back, it maybe, maybe, maybe was better than Erin's in its subtle design nuances. I sat there at the New York Fashion Week show watching it, Erin's collection was an instant "Wake Me Up" moment! It was Fashion with a capital "F"--whether you liked it or not. Many people are saying "I just wouldn't wear this...or that..." Well kiddies: It probably wasn't meant for you! It was a collection designer for the Erin's of the World and I still feel that her collection was the clear winner of the show, by just being more CURRENT, bolder, fun and creative. But, yes, Roberi's was outstanding. I'm sure we'll see him on "Project Runway: All Stars" next season soooo don't worry, I'm sure he'll be back and maybe win and make everyone happy! He'll be the "Mondo" of Season 15.

Click below to watch my "Top 5 OMG Moments" of Season 15 "Project Runway" Finale Episode:
#1 OMG! It's NY Fashion Week!  We have finally arrived at New York Fashion Week! I was excited to attend the show this year and see the collections LIVE...

New York Fashion Week Seatmates: Nick Verreos at the Season 15 Project Runway New York Fashion Week Finale Show with Season 14 Winner Ashley Nell Tipton (top pic) and Runner-up Kelly Dempsey (lower pic)

Nick Verreos with some of Season 15 "Project Runway" Designers (L to R): Linda Marcus, Alexander Snyder, Ian Hargrove, Kimber Richardson, Brik Allen and Tasha Henderson--New York Fashion Week, Skylight at Moynihan Station NYC

It was also a special treat when I found out that I'd be seated next to last season's Winner, Ashley, as well as Runner-up Kelly from the Deli! Now, I'd like to give a little perspective on how DIFFERENT it is to view these collections as a guest at the runway show, as opposed to watching it on TV. Surprisingly, while you're there, the collections can look less refined and you might notice janky zippers or wonky hems...But this season, all 4 collections were POLISHED and mirrored what you as a viewer saw on TV. OK, now let's get to THE COLLECTIONS...

#2 OMG! Laurence Went to the Light...But Should She Have? Throughout the season, I LOVED Laurence's sharp shouldered leather Cool Girl aesthetic...Then, for her New York Fashion Week collection, she decides to "Lighten" up creating slouchier, Sporty-Chic looks. I did LOVE the first leather jumpsuit and the brocade jacket ensemble but the rest just needed more BAM! While I understand the thought process of wanting to surprise the judges, I wished she would have stuck to what she had done all season long!

Last week, during Tim's home visit , I noticed a rack of fabulous, colorful, sharp garments behind her (photo above)....and I kept thinkin' "What Is That? Hello!" After seeing her actual Finale Collection, I wondered if she should have shown that instead!

#3 OMG! Rik's Cohesive Bandits! Last week, I was worried about Rik and what seemed a lack of cohesion. Well, HE DONE DID IT! His collection WAS cohesive, looked like it was all one girl and had a great Hipster-Meets-Rocker-Mod "Bandida" vibe. My favorite looks included the 1st black patent leather dress. I also loved his Moto Vest, especially the paisley and yellow-and-black ones. 

And Thank DIOS he got rid of those black and white leggings he had previously shown on his 3-Look Preview. She went from Figure Skating Ice Dancer (above pic, left) to Super Cool Girl in the Arts District of Downtown LA (above pic, right)!

#4 OMG! Uptown Roberi! Roberi's collection was the biggest surprise to me...And a nice one! I have to admit that while sitting there at the New York Fashion Week show, it didn't make such an impact, but watching the looks come down the runway on TV: Muy Bien! I loved how he mixed the masculine with the feminine in combining lose army-like jackets with colorful iridescent skirts. Some of my favorite looks included the olive coat and pink skirt outfit modeled by the Gambian Runway Diva, Ya Bi. I also loved the green shaved fur bomber with cropped blue pants...
And can I just say how FAB-U-LOSO those red strappy heels were (photo above) !? This definitely was an Uptown Fashion Pr Gal ready for cocktails!

#5 OMG! The 15th Winner of Project Runway Is.....ERIN! 14 Episodes, 12 Challenges, Trips to Orlando and Austin, several Unconventional Materials Challenges later and We Have a Winner: Erin! OK, as I was sitting there in the audience and Erin's collection came out, it was like "No More Phone Calls Please, We Have a Winner!". The exaggerated shapes (so on-trend!), the colors (Fab!); the unusual embellishments, the MOODY bag...and a Hand-Holding-a-Banana Print? I mean COME ON!! My fave looks were the pink cold-shoulder neoprene dress, the bronze organza sequin blouse with pink leather skirt and I especially ADORED that pink ruffled peplum top with highlighter yellow pants. The collection was fun, playful, unique and woke up EVERYONE attending the show! Congratulations to Erin, Lover of Color, Unusual Sequins...and, Bananas!

Now...Here is my RECAP of the Finale Episode of Season 15 "Project Runway": 

Season 15, Episode 14 Recap: Ready, Set, Finale!

The end is near…the end is HERE! Yes, it’s the finale of Season 15 “Project Runway”! The last time we saw our final four designers, they had received a verbal beatdown from the judges, telling—no, yelling—for more COHESION, COHESION, COHESION! In my last recap, I thought that Rik was in the most trouble, with Laurence a close second. Meanwhile Roberi and Erin seemed to have the least to be worried about. Let’s see what changed, and what did not. Time for my final recap of the season!

It’s two days before the finale runway show and following the three-look preview, Tim meets the designers backstage. At this point, he usually takes out his notebook and begins the “you need to do this, you need to do that” talk. Yet today, it was all pretty simple: a trip to Mood, anyone? With a resounding yes, the designers are off for their final shopping excursion to get the necessary materials that will take them into a more cohesive state of mind.

Post-shopping, Tim checks in. Rik explains that he was trying to “design everything… giving you options.” Indeed, but it was too muchy. He has decided to keep his looks all one length (Bueno!) and show a little more skin (Muy bueno!), and he’s adding one garment, a patent leather dress. Tim wisely encourages him to let go of the initial vision of each of the looks. Let it go, Rik!

Laurence tells Tim that she is making a chiffon blouse to cover the midriff on her low-slung pants and Erin is making a top, as well as using the embroidery machine. Tim warns her to...

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