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FIDM.....FIDM Summer Open House: Nick Verreos MC'ing the FIDM Alumni Panel--BLOG RECAP!

Open House Influencers--(L to R) Poshmark's Amanda Weiss, FIDM Summer Open House Alumni Panel MC Nick Verreos, Bri Emery, Drew Scott and Jordan Byers--FIDM 2018 Summer Open House 2018

This past weekend I had the pleasure of MC'ing the FIDM 2018 Summer Open House Alumni Panel, entitled "Design Your Career"...

   Nick Verreos, emcee of FIDM 2018 Summer Open House Alumni Panel--FIDM Los Angeles

This Summer Open House Alumni Panel involved three Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDM Alumni and one current FIDM student who have made names for themselves in the world of YouTube/Influencers/Social Media including Amanda Weiss, head of social media and marketing for Poshmark; Bri Emery, creative director/blogger/ of; Menswear Fashion Blogger and YouTuber Drew Scott; and "Brutally Honest" Makeup YouTuber Jordan Byers

Design Your Career FIDM Summer Open House Panel, Hosted by Nick Verreos
FIDM Tote Bags--FIDM 2018 Summer Open House--FIDM Los Angeles

I had a blast MC'ing the FIDM Alumni Panel Discussion and it was an additional bonus to announce to everyone attending the fact that I was recently named as Co-Chair of the college's Fashion Design Program, along with my NIKOLAKI design-and-business partner, David Paul. It was great to meet with prospective students to discuss their futures and what FIDM could offer them during and following the Panel Discussion.

Here are photos from the day:
MC Nick--Nick Verreos Emceeing the FIDM 2018 Summer Open House Alumni Panel--FIDM Los Angeles

Discussion Moderator--Nick Verreos moderating the FIDM Alumni Panel Discussion with Amanda Weiss, Bri Emery, Drew Scott and Jordan Byers at FIDM 2018 Summer Open House, FIDM Los Angeles

Meet & Greet Pics:
Meet & Greet--Following the FIDM Alumni Panel, I had the pleasure of meeting and taking photos with attendees of the FIDM 2018 Summer Open was so wonderful meeting everyone!

Co-Chairs Supporting--(L to R) FIDM Fashion Design Program Co-Chairs David Paul and Nick Verreos, FIDM 2018 Summer Open House, FIDM Los Angeles

See you at FIDM!--Nick Verreos, Co-Chair of FIDM Fashion Design Program, MC of the FIDM 2018 Summer Open House Alumni Panel 

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