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FIDM.....FIDM LA Open House: MC'ing the FIDM Alumni Panel + FIDM Fashion Design at FIDM Open House

 MC Nick--Nick Verreos at the 2019 FIDM Open House Alumni Panel, FIDM Los Angeles

Several weeks back, I had the pleasure of MC'ing the FIDM Open House Alumni Panel at this Summer's FIDM Los Angeles Open House. FIDM Open House is a chance to check out the campus, meet faculty, students, alumni, explore the curriculum and overall, find out if a college such as FIDM is for you. To begin the many events and activities of the FIDM Open House, there is a FIDM Alumni Panel discussion, where attendees can hear from FIDM Alumni--graduates of various different majors--and their experiences attending the college and their post-graduate careers.

Nick Verreos with FIDM LA Open House Alumni Panel (L to R) Emma Verdugo, Lauren Sanders, Michael Smith, Dyamon James, and Grace Wang

FIDM Alumni (L to R) Louis Vuttion Process Engineer Dyamon Jones; Set Decorator/Buyer for Warner Bros. "The Little Things",  Emma Verdugo; Co-Founder of Special Delivery LA, Michael Smith; National Retail Marketing Manager at Live Nation, Grace Wang; and VP of Creative Development at Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Lauren Sanders--FIDM Open House Alumni Panel

We invited four successful graduates to take part in the FIDM Alumni Panel discussion:
*Dyamon Jonesa Product Development graduate who is now a Process Engineer for Louis Vuitton, helping develop mockups of new Louis Vuitton bags
*Lauren Sanders, VP of Creative Development at Jeffree Star Cosmetics, she's a Beauty Industry Management graduate
*Michael Smith, a COO/Design Director who co-founded Special Delivery LA, a full-service brand development firm catering to A-list clients like Justin Bieber, Kylie Jenner J Cole + many more, he was in the Product Development major
*Emma Verdugo, who graduated from Visual Communications as well as Entertainment Set Design & Decorating at FIDM, who is now a Set Decorator/Buyer for Warner Bros. "The Little Things"
*Grace Wang, National Retail Marketing Manager at Live Nation, she's a graduate of the Merchandise/Marketing and Business Management programs.

I got the honor of being the MC/Moderator of the Panel:
Host with the Most: Nick Verreos at the FIDM Open House Alumni Panel stage--FIDM Los Angeles

The Stage is Set--FIDM Open House Alumni Panel, FIDM Los Angeles

Panel in Action--Nick Verreos moderating the FIDM Open House Alumni Panel discussion, FIDM Los Angeles

Afterward, photo time:
Nick Verreos with attendees of the FIDM LA Open House

Following the FIDM Alumni Panel, I took off my MC "hat", put on my Co-Chair of FIDM Fashion Design "hat"...and proceeded to join our FIDM Fashion Design Department "crew" to help at our Fashion Design tables at the FIDM Open House:
FIDM Fashion the FIDM Open House, FIDM Los Angeles

Talking to the students--Nick Verreos (with Assistant Chairperson Jonie Thomas (lower photo, far right) meeting with students interested in the Fashion Design major, FIDM LA Open House 

FIDM Fashion Design Crew--FIDM Fashion Design Co-Chair Nick Verreos with Assistant Chairperson for Fashion Design Jonie Thomas and Administrative Assistant Adrienne Mcneal--FIDM LA Open House

*A Special THANK YOU to Jonie and Adrienne for managing our Fashion Design tables and WONDERFUL meeting everyone who came by and in addition, attended the FIDM Open House Almuni Panel

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