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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 19 Project Runway: Episode 1 "A Colorful Return" Photo Recap


Colorful and Fabulous--Models (L to R) Grace, Roberta, and Marsha wearing designs from Season 19 Project Runway designers Bones Jones, Kenneth Barlis, and Octavio Aguilar; model Dariana as the "Project Runway Color Wheel" Model--Lincoln Center NYC

Last Summer, I was fortunate (along with my work and life partner David Paul) to be asked once again to be Consulting Producers on Bravo's "Project Runway" for Season 19. As an Alumn of the show (Season 2, as well as the spinoff "Under The Gunn"), it has also been my pleasure for the last two seasons since the show returned back to the Bravo Network, to be brought in as a Consulting Producer. As such, David and I help in the casting process of the designers who get to be on the show, as well as work during production, helping with all things fashion-related--from the equipment (which machines, what thread, pattern papers, etc) to consulting on how much time is needed for each challenge, and so much more. 

Nick Verreos--During the filming of the 1st Episode introduction at Lincoln Center, NYC

This new season was the first completely filmed using COVID protocols (masks and face shields for us, twice-weekly tests, temperature checks plus lots and lots of sanitizers!). While all of that was a challenge on its own, it was exciting to get back to filming and the show. The first design challenge involved "A Return to NYC" and a theme of COLOR! The designers were challenged to take a color from the Color Wheel and design a look that best represents their own design aesthetic using COLOR. Since bold color has been a big theme utilized by designers as of late, we thought it was a great way to start the season!

Here are photos I took during the filming of this very first Season premiere Episode from Season 19 "Project Runway"...Enjoy

Mentor and Judges at Lincoln Center--(L to R) Christian Siriano, Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell, and Elaine Welteroth

The introduction of the Challenge was done at The Green, a participatory public art installation designed by Mimi Lien that was open during this past Summer located in front of Lincoln Center. We had to get there before it opened to the public so we filmed very early in the morning. 

Standing by for "Action!"--(L to R) Christian Siriano, Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell and Elaine Welteroth--The Green at Lincoln Center NYC

Needless to say, by 8 AM, a throng of looky-loos began appearing trying to snap photos and asking what was going on. Some recognized Christian and/or Nina and quickly figured it all out and immediately began posting Insta-stories and photos of the scene; the "cat was out of the bag".

Mood Nick--Nick Verreos at Mood Fabrics NYC

The week before the filming of the episode even began, one of my duties as Consulting Producer was to go to MOOD Fabrics, to make sure they had enough color choices in different types of fabric so the designers would have enough to work from (they did!).

Sketch & Real Life--On the left is my quick sketch of the dresses that we had made for the season premiere of Season 19 "Project Runway" by Season 18 "Project Runway" designer Marquise Foster (with the help of fellow Season 18 designer Shavi Lewis)

Also before filming began, as part of pre-production duties, the producers decided that it would be great to have all of our models at Lincoln Center for the Season Premiere Introduction, wearing the same dress style but in different sizes, and different colors...SIXTEEN different colors:

Color Slip Dresses--Marquise cut and sewed the dresses with less than a week of notice (OMG!!) We never saw the dresses until THE MORNING of the filming!!! After a few adjustments and "make it work!" was "SHOWTIME!"

Here are the dresses--and models--as they appeared on the show! 
A Colorful Premiere--Models in multicolored silk slip dresses--Season 19 Premiere of Bravo's "Project Runway"--The Green at Lincoln Center

Models Backstage before the Runway--wearing designs from Season 19 designers:
Designs from (L to R) Kenneth Barlis, Bones Jones, and Caycee Black--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Designs from (L to R) Aaron Michael Steach, Darren Apolonio, and Anna Yinan Zhou--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Designs from (L to R) Coral Castillo, Sabrina Spanta, and Zayden Skipper--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Design from (L to R) Prajje Oscar Jean-Baptiste, Meg Ferguson, and Katie Kortman--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Designs from (L to R) Octavio Aguilar and Kristina Khashkina--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

The Runway...
View of the runway--Bravo's "Project Runway"

Designs on the Runway--Designs from (L to R) Prajje Oscar Jean-Baptiste, Kenneth Barlis, and Coral Castillo--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Designs from (L to R) Zayden Skipper, Octavio Aguilar, and Darren Apolonio--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Designs from (L to R) Meg Ferguson, Caycee Black, Kristina Kharshkina, and Anna Yinan Zhou--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Design from (L to R) Katie Kortman, Sabrina Spanta, and Chasity Sereal--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Models backstage, wearing designs from Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Models Grace, Roberta, and Marsha in design from Bones Jones, Kenneth Barlis, and Octavio Aguilar--Episode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

Ready for the First Runway!--Mentor--and designer--Christian Siriano, backstageEpisode 1 Season 19 "Project Runway"

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1 Response to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 19 Project Runway: Episode 1 "A Colorful Return" Photo Recap"

Karen R said...

Such fantastic and talented designers this season! Just amazing! Really impressive that Marquise and Sha'Vi were able to pull off a small miracle with all of those colored dresses! A great episode to start off the season, and happy that you and David are back with a phenomenal team of producers! Thanks for blogging!