First of all, I must thank everyone for their overwhelming response to Wednesday night's episode. I arrived in New York on Tuesday and have been so busy with Project Runway that, in fact, I not only missed watching the episode but have not been able to check this blog until today.
And WOW!!! I just about fell off my chair when I started to read all the amazing and supportive messages everyone has been leaving for me from all across the country!
Ironically, Wednesday night was when we taped the Reunion episode. When I was finally able to check my cellphone I knew something was up because I had over 20 voicemails filled with overwhelming support and emotion from all my friends and family. Because this was all said and done 7 months ago, my recollection of what had occurred was somewhat hazy, but it all came back to me when I heard the first message which was from my Dad saying how incredibly proud he was of me.
It's been so great to be back in New York and see everyone again, especially the amazing Project Runway crew. They have been so kind and supportive through this whole experience.
I must give a special THANK YOU to all the NY fans that have been stopping me on the street and yelling out encouraging words. I expected people's first words to be "I'm sorry" but instead they have been "You were robbed!". Things happen for a reason, and you will definitely be seeing more of me.
This past week can be summed up with one special story that happened at the end of the final Fashion Show at Bryant Park. Amongst all the photographers and well-wishers, a mother and her adorable little 7 year old daughter emerged out of all the chaos and timidly approached me holding the My Scene Barbie that I had designed. She was shaking and almost in tears asking me to autograph the box. While I was signing she began telling me how much I inspired her and loved my work, and how she wants to become a designer because of me. This one moment makes everything worth it!
Again, thank you so much for all the wonderful messages. I am humbled and filled with indescribable emotion.
121 Responses to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Thank You for all the Responses: Project Runway Season 2"
osmel sousa would be proud of you. LOL. i wish you had a farewell walk. look for mr. trump and ask to dress natalie. - happypasadena
i wish i got to see you while you were in NYC b/c you are a fantastic person and I would have loved to meet you! I would definitely have yelled out (in true New Yorker spirit) that you were indeed robbed =) I know we haven't seen the last of you - good luck with everything!
It took me 'til last night to watch the episode (thank god for Tivo), and indeed, Nick you were totally, totally robbed. We'll be watching for more of you very very soon.
Nick...we were heartbroken to see Wednesday's episode. And quite frankly, seeing you leave has sucked the life out of the show for me. You were, by far, the most creative designer on the show and I hope you reap TONS of success from being on the show. You were a joy to watch and you'll definitely be missed.
Marley = )
You've earned every bit of support and acclaim that you've been met with. Like the little girl at the show, watching you this season as inspired me to bring a new level of creativity and inspiration to my own accessories business. I can't wait to see your name on the Bryant Park schedule in seasons to come!!
Nick, you are a class act and deserve every bit of recognition you are receiving.
You were my favorite from the moment I saw your gorgeous muslin dress (muslin's never looked so good) and I am happy to call myself a fan of yours. I know that we can all expect great things from your bright future and I wish we'd been able to see you shine at Fashion Week.
Congratulations on your success so far and the success that is sure to come. You were a joy to watch and are truly inspiring. I just got my sewing machine back and can't wait to get back to designing. Your fans love you! And of course my Wednesday nights won't be the same...
We love you, Nick.
You totally got robbed! I was rooting for you to win the whole thing, and now the show isn't worth watching anymore. I mean, Kara is still in the running? Bleh. Well I hope you have tons of success and as soon as I can afford one of your fabulous creations I will go to Nikolaki, or wherever you may be and purchase the whole line! I love you so much, hold your head up high because you are beautiful and brilliant!
Kimmy in LA
yer me and my friends jessicas favorite <3
Had I been in New York and seen you on the street, there is a chance that i would have yelled "you were robbed!" but an even greater likliehood that i would have actually robbed you. Juuusttt kiddinggg! We have PR watching parties every week and when Heidi announced that you were out, a resounding "NOOOOO!" erupted from my apartment. At first i was heartbroken, but then i realized that this is probably for the best. As with American Idol and pretty much every other reality show on TV, im sure winning PR comes with too many strings attached. Now that you've gained a huge amount of publicity and a group of dedicated fans (including myself) you're free to do you're own thing. Good luck with everything and all of Austin, TX wishes you nothing but the best.
I'm sure that Wednesday night a lot of people across the country were collectively yelling out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" when you were sent packing. I should know since I was one of them. IMHO you were bamboozled! You were clearly my favorite. Here's hoping that you'll go onto bigger and better things.
You are by far my fave from both seasons combined. I can't think of one good reason why you were out and Santino wasn't. You are so talented and I wish you the best with everything you do. I hope to see your designs out and about for years to come!!
Dear Nick,
You're a fab designer and I wish you all the best! I hope to see more of you! I didn't start watching Project Runway season 2 till half way through and right off, you were my fave! You were absolutely CHEATED out of victory! And the pun is intended! Good luck babe and aim for the stars! (as in HOLLYWOOD baby!)
You went out with style (looking so charming in the pin-striped suit).
I hope the PR reunion was peaceful and fun. I liked the camraderie of 35D.
Take care!
i'm still sad your off the show :( but you are way too talented for that show anyway! I'm sure lots of success is headed your way! If I saw you in NYC i would have said you were robbed and also that i love you! :)
xoxoxo, Erica
Nick - you were indeed robbed and although I'm still not quite over it I am comforted by the fact that PR's exposure has brought you so much notice and success.
My 8 year old daughter loves that Barbie so much she wants to be just like you! Yesterday, she sewed a button on one of my shirts for the first time.
Know that you are well loved.
I never thought I'd be writing to a "reality star" but you have inspired me to voice my support!
Nick, you were totally robbed! I was in shock and a little sad when I found out that you were cut (like so many others posting here, you were one of my favorites!). At the same time I knew that you had made your mark, got incredible exposure, and will go on to bigger and better things. I have no doubt that you will show at Fashion Week when the time is right.
From one creator/teacher to another (I draw my own comic and coach high school sports, so I sort of relate to what you do), I wish you the best of luck and will always support you. I have faith that you will make it happen and enjoy a successful life.
As my friend and I were commiserating over last Wednesday's episode, we both decided that this season was well worth watching because it introduced us to you and your beautiful designs.
We can't wait to see what the future has in store for you because we suspect it will be wonderful.
(And thank goodness for reruns so we can all still see your gorgeous smile!)
This is my first time commenting on the blog, but really, you were robbed last night. I was so upset just seeing you afterwards on the TV! You were one of the guys I wanted to see win that badly.
Still, glad to hear you made the reunion show and that things are looking great for you. I think you're going to go incredibly far.
i know i've said this before, but you WERE robbed, and i cannot wait to see more from you and i definitely can't wait to support your line. you are terrific!
Nick, I adore you. You were my favorite from the first day and I wanted to see you win everything. You have the talent to go so far and a wonderful personality. I hope the best things come your way.
Tarah is so beautiful!
I hope she's doing well now.
Nick, I think you were everyone's favorite. You were totally robbed. :(
YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!! i loved everything you did! you were completely robbed. Santino's outfit was falling apart! anyway..just wanted to let you know that me and my roommate watched it and both cried when you left. good luck with everything!
-#1 Fan
After seeing what was shown on Friday, I am certain that your collection would have better.
Good luck to you.
Hats off to you! I admire the dignified way you handled yourself and with so much talent too! Needless to say I was disappointed that you were not in the final 3 but with talent like yours Project Runway is just another exciting moment in your life. Good luck and know that I will be one of the many who is cheering for you on the sidelines.
For me the show ended when you left.
I was delighted to see your dress at the globes and I am sure I will see more of your work.
You are amazing!
Nick I can't believe you're not gonna be in the top three, you're such an amazing designer. I was so sad to see you go but I wish you all the best and I am sure you will go far.
I would really like to meet with you so you can make me my wedding dress for 2007. Please contact me through my email if you read this message. Eres el mejor! Un beso, :)
I think you are a fabulous person. Even though you, indeed, were horribly robbed... you went out with absolute grace. You never had to hide anything or lie on the runway. You showed tremendous integrity on the show. Your talent is exceptional, and should feel remarkable considering that thousands of people across the nation agree with me. :-)
Nick, you were robbed. But how many designers this season can say they dressed a Desperate Housewife? Not many! I hope to see more from you in the future, you have such an awesome personality and great designs...you are already a success!
Nick, you are a fantastic designer. You put so much of your heart into your creations, that there is no way possible for them not to be beautiful. It will be tough not seeing you on the rest of the show (the Reunion episode seems so far away!) but I (and the rest of the Project Runway junkies at my university!) look forward to following your work!
We were so dissapointed that you didn't make it to the top 3. We were hoping that you at least made it to the Top 4, so we could have at least seen some of your designs at the Fashion Week. You were definetely robbed and we're skipping the final episode because you are not in it.
We love you !!!!
Michael and Gang
I do wish it had all turned out differently on Project Runway (as it SHOULD have), but regardless of that, I just want to say that I have so enjoyed watching you these past few weeks. I loved your designs and following your creative process, but mostly, I loved watching you: your warmth and great sense of humor, those big brown eyes, that special mix of sweet 'n bitchy (mmmm...sounds like a flavor of gay barbecue sauce). It's always a special little thrill for me to see a fellow gay man on the tube who comports himself with such intelligence and charm.
I can't help but to wonder if you might be hinting at something in the works when you say that we will be seeing more of you. I hope so, because along with all of your many, many fans, I'm already missing you. In fact, I think I'll fashion some Valentine's chocolates into my very own little Nick doll, sprinkle with confectioners sugar, and swallow it down, yum....yum. [Hope that wasn't too graphic for you ;-) ] But seriously, here's wishing you and your beau a lovely Valentine's day. He is a lucky man, that one.
What a lucky little girl :) She'll cherish that one for life, I'm sure ^^ My mom just purchased that very Barbie, and she's absolutely in love with it -- it has its own spot in the living room, a sort of "privilege" not even her $600+ Barbies receive!
I don't want to say you were robbed because you may have won the grand prize. Is "winning" Project Runway being the last designer standing? I don't know about that. How many times do we hear nothing from the winner of a reality show and yet the lower-placing contestants go on to have big careers and successes? You have a lot of loyal fans and you've shown your beautiful designs to millions of viewers, plus you had such class and integrity that most people are going to remember you and your work with fond memories, instead of bitterness or betrayal.
I wish you'd gone to Fashion Week but ultimately that doesn't determine true success. You're already a success! You have a handsome partner, you have loving friends and family, you have a Barbie, and you made it through the grueling reality TV circuit intact. The world is yours.
On a selfish note, I will miss seeing you and your great runway walk on my TV. Now I only have Drew and Cheryl on Dancing With the Stars to root for every week.
Just remember Nick: Life is a banquet, and some poor suckers are starving to death.
Nick you left with such class. You were definatly "robbed" but I'm sure there are bigger and better out there for you.
Has you neice gotten her MyScene Barbie yet? Did she love it?
Good Luck in everything you do.
~ Brandie
You deserve all the love you are getting Nick! We all now bigger and better things await you.
All of your fans would love to keep hearing from you and were the future takes you.
Please keep us updated!
Que viva el tio Nick! Eres una belleza de persona y deseo que se sigan multiplicando tus triunfos. El verdadero talento siempre sale a flote y no dudo que sigas cosechando exitos.
Un abrazo, Adri
Nick, I loved watching you on the show and seeing each of your designs. Your talent is amazing and surpassed only by your class and charm. I'm still not over your elimination. Much continued success and happiness!
Hi Nick-
I commented before about how you were robbed, and was only slightly catty about N. Hilton's choice of dress. The thing is, that was the first time I knew without question that you were robbed, I mean, that dress makes a skinny girl look about 16 *months* pregnant.
O well.
I've adjusted to you being off the show, so I won't be sullen this Wednesday if you're not in the episode. (If I recall they "hire back" some of the eliminated designers to help the remaining designers at some point, and I don't know if you'll be there)
It's a wonderful picture of you reunited with your "muse" from project runway. (Oddly enough, "Muse" has been my nickname for years, and years, but that's another story for another time).
I LOVE, love, love what you design and can not wait to be able to afford something you created. Maybe I'll just have to become famous and have you design all of my dresses.
Please don't get jaded. A couple years from now you may get tired of all of the attention, but I'll still want to run up and say hi if I see you.
Santa Rosa, CA.
(online handl= "ingenuemuse")
I sorry they obviously robbed you. Everyone I know thought Santanos "hitchhicker to the galaxy" outfit was a joke. But I think you have given all the viewers the joy of seeing your wonderful designs. I am sure we will be seeing them on the walk way more and more.
You should be proud of your time on the show. It is obvious that you not only have talent but also style and class.
Best of luck, Carole
Nick ... you're such a wonderful designer & just a wonderful presence on TV, I was so sad when you were out last week. I cried!!!
When I read interviews about you and your partner, it really gave me hope that someday, I hope that will happend to me.
Good luck on everything Nick. You have a big ol' fan here in Minneapolis!
Allen :)
That is so cute! I'm happy for you and hope you keep us updated on what you are up to.
I wish you good luck with everything!
Nick you are the best person to ever hit the tv. I've never seen someone with more joyous, positive energy than you and it's completely uplifting and inspiring to me and everyone else I know who watches the show. You have such personality and talent and I'm so happy that PR shared you with us this season...it's so nice to see there are people like you in the world.
i really loved you on the show - your work was fresh and fun, and your attitude kept the show alive. i'm really not feeling the producers' decision to value drama over talent - i thought you brought so much to the show, and it just won't be as much fun to watch now that you're not on it.
i wish you the very best of luck in your career - and hope to see you on the streets of NYC one day too!
Nick, you are too gracious and fantastic for words. You will always be the Project Runway winner in my book.
Ashley D
Last week's episode was so upseting! The show won't be the same without you! You were my favorite from the beginning... Good luck in the future!
I am OBESSESSED WITH YOU. I think you did an amazing job and hope the best for you!
Not that you need even MORE praise, but...
You've been an absolute fave of mine all season, Nick. Not only do I admire your fantastic design sensibility, but you are also a strong and positive gay role model for young men (and women!) across America. Your sense of self is beautiful.
On a side note, you're ADORABLE, and if I wasn't already married... :)
I wish you all the luck and blessings in the world. We'll be watching!
oooh, I just found your blog & YES you were robbed! I was so sad.
you've been my favorite from day one!
I need to find one of those MyScene Barbies for my 4 year-old daughter, er... I mean, ME!
Nick: You were my favorite from the get-go and I was really looking forward to seeing your Fashion Week collection...I swore up and down that you were a shoe-in...but alas, it wasn't meant to be (which actually is a good thing, with the way PR has been going lately!)
I am thankful that I have been introduced to your classy designs and I am *certain* that greatness will come your way!
If you ever make it out to San Francisco, drop me a line...My friend Jeff and I would love to take you out for a drink!
Is Heidi carrying Santino's baby? Santino should have been out not Nick.
You WERE robbed!
At this point, I really don't care about who wins, because I only wanted you to win. Nonetheless.. when I can go to Nordstrom's and buy a Nikolaki original, I will be happy. You deserve to take the fasion industry by storm.
Nick, my mom and I cried watching you leave the show. Ugh. I immediately blogged about it (http://blog.myspace.com/31538326),and found that all my fellow project runway watchers were rooting for you, too!You are were my absolute favorite, not only in design, but in being kind, and funny, and honest about your work. It was sad to see you go, but at least you went out like a star. Can't wait to see more of your fabulous work. Muah.
οι κριτές στο PR είναι απλά μαλάκες και φαίνεται ότι α. δεν έχουν φύγει ποτέ από αυτήν την κωλοχώρα ή β. στην περίπτωση της Heidi έχουν ξεχάσει πώς ντύνεται ο κόσμος στην Ευρώπη. Ακόμα και στην Ελλάδα οι άνδρες πλέον φοράνε mascara και στέκες στα μαλλιά. Και τι βγήκε και είπε ο παν-γελοίος Michael Kors για τα Golden Girls , it's really fucking beyond me. Δεν ξαναγοράζω τίποτα από τον Michael Kors! Είναι τελείως μαλάκας!
Από σένα όμως περιμένω πολλά, κι ελπίζω σύντομα να μπορώ ν'αγοράζω ρούχα σου παντού, να τα βλέπω σε χορογραφίες και σε τελετές βραβείων.
Ψηλά το κεφάλι, είσαι ο καλύτερος!
Νέα Υόρκη
Sweetie! You were easily the most talented designer on the show. You truly were robbed. But your talent will take you so far. Project Runway was just a stepping stone on the road of life, but I'm not sure it's worth watching without you. Good luck with all your future ventures, Nick. Love you...
Love you, Nick! I thought the Daniel suit was terrific and will certainly be copied by others ... Get your trademark on that buttonless, pocketless delight. And Chloe's simple but elegant pinstrip was made even more attractive but your ability to sell it on the runway. All the best to you. The Barbie thing may turn out to be the biggest prize of all. Good on ya, mate.
I was in shock when I saw Wed's episode. I do have to say I wish you could have been designing for Fashion Week, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of you in the future!
Glad to hear that your NYC visit was fun! You really are inspiring more people than you think! ;-)
Nick I am so sad that you are out from project runway. I don't want to even watch it anymore. I love you - your are the hottest guy i ever met.
you're going to be so big! we'll all be looking out for you. :)
I was sad to see you leave, especially as I felt I was just "getting to know you"...
Perhaps you could stop by on my blog:
Could we get you to come on as a guest? Id love it! Best of luck in all you do!
I have never posted on a blog before, but I am compelled to write after last Wednesday's heart-breaking episode. Nick, not only are you a phenomenal designer, but you are a kind and gracious person as well. I have many friends and colleagues who watch the show and we were all shocked and dismayed to see you released. The "Runway" will not be the same without you. However, we know you will continue to find the success you so OBVIOUSLY deserve. (And if I'm lucky, you'll be available to design my Oscar gown some day!) All the best to you, dear Nick!
Nick, sorry you got "aufwiedersehened".
It sounded like they did a voice over edit on Heidi's original dismissal speech. Any idea why?
You're a great spirit, please never change for the industry.
Wishing you best of luck and much success.
ah im so pissed you didnt make it through. i was sitting there watching the tv last week n thought it was a joke. i definately thought you would make it to the end, n was rooting for you. your an amazing designer. make my prom dress for me alright? haha hope to see alot of you in the future, your truly talented. i know that there will be alot of fame and success thats only to come of you soon. take care.
You need to have your own show on HGTV, DYI, or TLC!
How about a show ala Christopher Lowell, except on fashion instead of home decorating? You could have your own line of sewing gadgets. OR hosting a show on makeovers since you know so much about hair, makeup, and of course, fashion?
Nick, you were so robbed, but I'm so glad to see you emerge triumphant, best wishes from a fan in hawaii.
This is going to sound bizarre simply because I don’t know you but I feel like I do, which in itself is nuts. I hated to see you go on Project Runway, but mostly because I think you had the potential to win. Several times I felt like one of you guys were robbed (Andre was robbed twice) but I digress because it’s not going to change today. I could sit here and say Santino is an arse, or that Kara should have been sent home a while ago, but again that wouldn’t change last Wednesday. See the reason I was so excited was because last year I loved Jay, I never dreamed that he would win because well he didn’t in my opinion fit the mold that I felt had been set. I was just as shocked as Kara Saun was when they announced Jay the winner, heck even Jay was shocked.
However you have moved on to bigger and better things and I hope only the best for you and your family. I did want to send you this website, it has brought a smile to my face after a long day, hopefully it can do the same for you after long days. Good luck and keep that head held high!
As Tim said at bravotv.com in his blog “Oh, dear Uncle Nick, we shall miss you!”
Dear Nick,
You were totally robbed last Wednesday, and you definitely should have been in the final three.
Please know that you have impressed and inspired many people with your class, talent and attitude and became almost a role model, which is quite an achievement in itself. The international flair of your designs is exactly the thing the next big American designer should have (it is utterly lacking in the current market!): this country absolutely needs more influence from open-minded, multiculturally-oriented people who will think outside the insularity box. Please do not stop on your way to becoming that next big American designer! Be confident that you have the support of all of us behind you.
Best of luck in all of your future endeavors!
p.s. Almodovar is my favorite director, too!
Thanks for creating this blog and sharing your experience of the show with us. Last Wednesday's show made me heartsick, and I'll join the chorus of folks who think you were totally robbed. I loved your designs most of all and was so sad that I wouldn't be able to see your collection in the season finale. But I do believe that great things are in store for you. Know that all your loving fans are looking forward to cheering on your many successes to come!
Girl, you can walk! You should pursue modeling as well as designing. I'm not sad anymore because I *know* I'll be seeing more of you. -dc
You were the best designer and classiest guy on the show. Project Runway will suffer because of your loss, but I bet we hear a lot more from you in the future.
Dear Nick...I just read all the comments posted by your many fans, and, honestly, just felt like weeping all over again. Last Wednesday was simply unreal...it felt like all the joy & fun of watching PR was just sucked right out of the show. If the 'powers that be' have to manipulate the outcome so obviously for watchability and ratings, why didn't they factor in the notion that 'hit shows' need heroes. You were 'that guy...' the one we all loved to love, and for all the right reasons. (Talent, humour, empathy, charm, and all around fabulosity!) Of course, editors love to rock the drama with demented villains like Santino, but that equation only works when you pit him against the gallant & dashing prince. I watch the show with four NY fashion freaks, and tomorrow night, I'm bringing 4 black veils. I am also bringing my Nick V. 'Barbie,' which my love gave me for Valentine's Day. If any one in TV Producer Land has any sense, they will create a TV project for you....I'm betting your TVQ is thru the roof.
I look forward to seeing much more of your beautiful work.
I am such a fan of Project Runway and of your designs in particular. Everything you created was elegant and tasteful with a little sass. My roommates and I were all rooting for you. When you left the show there were three Mississippi girls screaming for a recount. -Nikki
dude, you will be so very missed on the upcoming eps of PR. i was so upset to see you go. i agree with so many of the other posters that you were indeed robbed. we are, however, excited to see more of you in the future!
Nick, seriously: As a dorky white girl who knows NOTHING about fashion, I have totally gotten addicted to Project Runway. And I am so shocked and sad that you were out. I was really hoping to see you in the final three and interested to see what you would make in your collection. I've loved everything you've designed -- amazing talent that you have, man. Best of luck in the future.
I admire you so much and I wished to god that you were in the top three. They should come up with the idea of doing a mother daughter design and not for the celebrity. I know if you did design something for my daughters and I we would be so proud. I like the way you design you take all of it to your heart. Keep up the good work. You made it finally and now you have to world at your feet. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY NICK
Nick Verreos,
we love you!!!!
wonderful picture you've got here!! Tarah is stunning and it's so good to see you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Nick, I'm super disappointed you weren't in the final three- you deserved it! Plus, I think Daniel looked HOT in your design.
Also, my mom had a dream about you after you got voted off- she dreamed you were her son, and even though you were disappointed about getting voted off, everyone decided it was for the best. I think that's pretty hilarious.
Love you! Happy V-Day!
Yes, I agree with the rest, losing you from the show makes me a lot less interested in watching.
You're an intriguing guy with incredible passion. I'm sure that carries over into most areas of your life.
I wish this wasn't so public, because I'd really like to flirt with you. Of course, I could do that if I had a more private way to contact you.
Hmmm..... I may be reached at (and spammers beware!) Just_Me at earthlink (put a dot here) net
Hope to hear from you! Really...
Did I mention I'm . . .
I'd just like to say thank you so much for your great designing, drive, and initiative on PR. I was rooting for you till the end and hope you keep us updated on your new work. Congrats on your dress at the SAG 2006. Keep your name out there for us!
I really have a kinship with your design philosophy (I am a fine artist)and infact, the fashion world has inspired me to create a body of work with fashion as the subject matter. You are an influence to many!
Yeah, Uncle Nick!
I just discovered your blog tonight.
Hubby and I are big fans of yours.
Absolutely thrilled to see your star shining with the SAG awards.
Barbie is also sold out already?!!
You go!!!
Thank you for sharing your talent on Project Runway.
We are heartily sorry to see you go so soon, but your star will shine.
Have a blessed day.
Nick, I just wanted to make you aware that your now-soldout edition of the MyScene Barbie is being bid on like crazy on eBay -- upwards to $200+ as final prices. Congratulations again!
Nick, Can I just say I love you? Smart, funny, talented, sweet - okay, I have to stop. And you went to UCLA (my alma mater). Para colmo, hablas castellano.
Sinceramente, aprecio mucho tu pasión por el arte y la moda, y también las emociones y los sentimientos que mostraste siempre - para mí sigues siendo el alma del programa.
Just one more belated 'you were robbed' comment. You are an amazing designer and there's really no reason for me to continue to watch Project Runway without you on the show.
Seriously though, voting you off the show was a BIG mistake. i really thought Santino should have been the one to go, but you know what they say, God works in mysterious ways. you are a great competitor and I will definitely be looking out for Nick Verros in future ELLE and other fashion magazines!
"Uncle" Nick, I hope you know how many nieces and nephews have "adopted" you lately! Big congrats on the My Scene Barbie and the Brenda Strong gown! Your stuff is jammin', and your runway walk is fierce! Best of luck!
I was in such a bad mood all night after you got ousted. I thought for sure you would be in the final three if not win outright. You were my favorite from the moment they showed your "audition." You deserve to be in the final 3 and you will definitely make it. Congratulations, you are an inspiration and definitely our favorite designer!
Love your work and love your humanity. Good Luck with everything!
I have to say that without a doubt you are one of the greatest talents on the show and it was a shame you are not there anymore. I hope you teach in New York. I would love to learn your sewing techniques and skills
I totally think you were robbed, Nick! My only consolation is that you are so freaking talented that better things will come to you, sweetie. Best of luck in the future! And keep that smokin' runway walk, baby!
Hi, Nick! I just want to tell you that I'll miss seeing you on PR. I was soooooooooooooo disappointed that you got the "Auf" from Heidi, but you handled it with grace and class.
I hated to see you go, Nick, and yes, thought you were robbed. I hope you have a wonderfully successful career with many opportunities to show your work, to create and design and bring some much-needed beauty to the world.
Project Runway without Nick Verreos is like a farm without cows.
The producers damn well better give Nick his own show next season. YOU ARE WAY COOLER THAN ANYONE ON SEASON 1 or 2.
Nick, you better start making cheap mensware ASAP because the only garments i'm wearing from now on are going to be designed by Nick Verreos.
The other day, I put my Banana Republic credit card in the garbage disposal. I can't stomach the though of wearing clothes Santino may have had a part in.
I don't need crazy feathers and trinkets and rags dangling off my clothes. I need simple, sophisticated clothes designed by a real designer. Nick Verreos.
SANTINO SMOKES CRACK. This is what they didn't show you for the inspiration episode. Santino pulled out his crack pipe before going around to take pictures. I saw from across the street!
Nick, you are 100% #1 in my book.
I COMPLETELY agree that you were robbed. We hope to see more of you!
Just a random fan from California adding to the "YOU WERE ROBBED!" pile. I can't wait to see what you have coming up!
Nick, It means so much to me to just be able to write you and tell you how much you touched my heart while watching the show. You are so talented and such a beautiful person. You resparked a passion inside of me that I thought I had lost. The show just isn't the same. Best of wishes to you in the future.
I don't know how to say this without sounding like I copied what the nice lady with her daughter said, but here it goes.
I watched last season of Project Runway and thought, oh, that's cool, their designs are ok...i like this show.
And then I tuned in to this season. I arrived a bit late, when there were only about 9 designers, and you immediately popped out at me with your fashion sense and eye for design. Again, I thought, what a great opportunity for these designers. As I kept watching, I realized what creativity it took to design these garments, to be criticized by your peers and judges, and to have the opportunity to do what you loved. I was hooked.
I'm currently a college student, studying visual communications and graphic design. Seeing what you are able to do has seriously made me rethink my career choices. I want to be a designer, like you. There is no way that I could ever be as good as you, but I'm shooting for the stars.
You're an inspiration, and you are loved by the world. Thank you for being you.
i have watched the tragic episode like 6 times now....you were totally robbed...not only was daniel's suit pretty sweet.com, but you were hot as hell in chloe's design. i'm sure we'll see a shit ton more that you.
I know there is a method to the judges' madness, but I completely disagree with them in their decision to let you go. What a bunch of idiots. Your presence is truly missed on the show. You brought something special to it. When I can afford it, I'll be writing you to ask you to design me a wedding dress. I'll describe myself as the short, Chinese girl!
Wow, how amazing are you? I am such a big fan of the show and I honestly loved your style from the first episode. The way the show portrayed everyone it seemed so humble and I'm sure nerve wrecking, after all you were all fighting to win. When you lost your model/muse I knew it must have been hurtful but I was confident you would pull through. I couldn't believ you were let go because I think throughout the show you proved yourself and your talent. I couldn't believe that Santino got away from so many Q&A's!!!
I love how you represented yourself and I loved when you talked about your family. You were the only one that appealed to me as REAL. Someone to relate. Plus being Latino was a plus. I myself am from Guatemala and I love to see more Spanish Designers. You belong with Oscar De La Renta, Narcisco Rodriguez, Carlos Miele, and Carolina Herrera.
Where can we find Nick Verreos designs?????
I made a shirt that said "Team Nick"
I continue to wear it because I wanted you to win!
Nick! You are amazing! I died a little inside when you left the show. Bravo should start a new "nick is awesome" show.
Okay, I'll hop on the "I love Nick" train. I was so disappointed with the comments on Daniel's suit. I thought he walked right out of a GQ spread.
I don't know why it took me so long to google your name, but I am delighted to provide some feedback and that there are so many others to validate your talent. I am happier still to know what label to look for to see what else you've got out there. I'm looking forward to my trip to LA in hopes of finding some of your work.
Soy super admiradora tuya! I can't wait for the day when I will be able to wear a Nick Verreos dress. You are so great as a person and as a designer. I know this is your passion and you will succeed. I wish you the best of luck. Can't wait until I am able to wear one of your fabulous designs.....
--Liliana from LA
Nick, you were the glue that held that show together (and perhaps some of that pinche Santino's designs)and it's terrible for the audience that you're gone. We can, however, all take comfort in the fact that you're going to be a HUGE fashion star! You need your own talk show! Best of luck always!
im still watching project runway, and i think that you were robbed. santino should have gone home, and you should have gone on to fashion week, not santino. you are still my favorite designer!
you're my hero, nick!
You are an amazing designer and human being! May you be rich and successful as your humanity and soul. Project "Doneway" happened at the end of Espisode 10. As you never lift anyone up by bringing someone down, I will defer other comments and trust your growing fan club brings much to your modus operandi.
i never post on random blogs, but i have to here. i echo many of the above comments - you should have won. that said, i'm sure your talent will take you farther than whoever wins.
hola senor...ita! i loved your work, which school did you teach at? i'm currently a 1st year fashion student at a ghetto school in OC. I hear fidm isn't the best what do you think? project runway really isn't a great show, limiting any fashion designer with ridiculous time constraints and stupid judges criticism that was probably projected through a producer and keeping contestants solely for ratings (santino) isn't fashion design at all
"Auf Wiedersehen"
Hi Nick! I love you and your work. I would like to interview you for my website (criticalbeauty.com) and also promote your work. I hope to hear from you!
It just happened that today I have been sick with the flu and in bed while my partner was taking care of me, he mentioned to me about this project runway show; as we were trying to find something to watch, we ended up on bravo with the project runway marathon. Anyway, when I saw you, you reminded me of my best friend who I lost last year. I went to the project runway's website to learn more about the show, and it said that you grew up in Venezuela, and so did I. I lived there until I was 16 years old. There was something Venezuelan about you; I do not know if you remembered living there, but fashion is important in the Venezuelan culture (including Miss Universe and Miss World).
I am an engineer, and I get dressed by my partner who is an interior designer, but I definitely love the simplicity and elegance of your designs. I just want to mention that I am glad you shared Venezuelan background.
Nick!! i love your work... i wish you the best... u really deserved to win project runway..... the show is nothing without you! te quiero mucho!
oh my gosh nick you are such an awesome designer and i knew you deserved to stay until the end. you inspired me to become a fashion designer and next year when im a sophomore im going to be taking intro to fashion.
-good luck in everything you do
hey nick!
you are such an awesome designer and you seem so nice and awesome in real life! you inspired me to become a fashion designer when i get out of high school and i cant wait to be in the fashion industry:)
i was also wondering if you are able to post a website where i can order a special edition barbie doll. thank you so much..
<3 katherine
Of all the contestants on Runway, you were the one and only "STAR".
Much Love!
I was just reading "In Touch" (sorry, it's my one guilty pleasure) and I saw Brenda Strong in a Nick Verreos dress. You go, Nick! You should've won Project Runway, but this just proves your talent was well beyond that show! Keep it up!
It should have been you, Nick! You were my favorite from day one, and you're still my favorite. I'm glad you and Daniel are working together now, you'll make something fantastic!
I was thrilled that Daniel chose you to help him and that Santino chose Andrae. You all are the Breakfast Club of Fashion.
LOVE YOU NICK!!!!!! You're an AMAZING DESIGNER!!!!!!! Keep up the great work and hopefully MAYBE, one day I can afford your clothes... *KISSES!*
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