Above is a photo of Kirsten, John, Raymundo and myself at Kirsten’s beautiful home. Kirsten and her husband, threw a wonderful Finale Viewing Party. I offered “running commentary” of what really went on behind the scenes, since I was there, assisting Daniel and staying up for 48 hours, while the rest of them enjoyed NY and went shopping!! (Not that I’m bitter!! :))
10 Responses to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Project Runway Season 2 Finale Viewing Party"
Ah, Nick you're so great, we just love you! Maybe you can let us on some of the stuff that went on B-T-S now :) Mucho amor y felicidad a usted
Well, that's nice of Kirsten to host a finale viewing party. I didn't really get a chance to watch it when it actually aired because I was babysitting, but I definitely watched it and the bonus videos on bravotv.com . My boyfriend even sat there with me through part of it and even gave of some comments about which clothes he liked. However, one of our mutual friends (who is living with us at the moment) would come downstairs, watch a few minutes of the finale, say "aha", and go back upstairs. It was really funny and cute. Unfortunately, I did not have a party, but I still had fun.
Nick! What a great picture! You look so cute! Also, I just wanted to say about that 13th look for Daniel V., wow, that was just... amazing. Was Daniel crushed that he didn't win? Are you happy that Chloe won? I think her collection was pretty nice, but, then again, what do I know? What did you think of Santino's collection? Have you made any plans for what you're going to do next? Also, just so you know that if I were ever to get cancer (god willing I won't) and had to go to the make a wish foundation, my wish would be to meet you (hopefully you don't find that weird!). Honestly, just to be in the same place you were standing would make my life.Thanks so much for (hopefully) reading this long entry! I wish you luck in all that you do. May everything you touch turn to gold (not like it already doesnt :-)!)
Nick, you're the best! You were by far my favorite contestant, by far the best designer, and by far the hottest person on that show. Good luck with all you do and I can see nothing but great things headed your way! You're a rockstar!
Hi Nick....
I am from Toronto, Canada and we absolutly love you up here!
You have truly been an inspiration and a role model and i was just wondering if there is a way that i can either send a email or letter to you directly as i have something very important to say to you and i feel you should know.
I realize that everyone wants to do this and you have to take precautions but if you could discretely send me an email address or address even if its to bravo and they forward onto you...
I think by reading what i want to say it will be an eye opener for you as to how much you mean to some people and what you have done for them.
Thank You for being You!
Please email me at fratguy_19@hotmail.com
NICK! You're the greatest. You & Daniel were my favorites.
You're #1 in my book.
hey, i love you nick!
good luck with every thing!!!
Nick-you are the CUTEST! My co-worker and I just gush over you!!! I love your blog and the things you say!!!!!!!!!! You and Daniel V are my total favs. You are truly unique and I can't wait to see more of you!!xoxoxox
Nick-- How surreal is all this celebrity? I hope you're having a blast with it.
My biggest question is, do you think that Santino "brought it"? I totally got why you said that in the Reunion...if he's going to be such a dick, then he should at least present something spectacular to match his bravado.
Clearly you were missed in the Final 3, and all of your fans are eager to see what comes next for you.
All the best,
Robert in Baton Rouge
awesome picture!
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