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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Project Runway Panel at FIDM

School Daze
On Thursday, April 20th, my alma mater, the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles, held a special "Panel Discussion" for "Project Runway 2" Los Angeles designers. Besides myself, enigmatic Daniel Franco, witty Raymundo Baltazar, and fun Guadalupe were all present (Santino was invited yet did not show up). It was a packed house at the FIDM Lounge. We all answered questions ranging from "Why did you decide to do 'Project Runway' ?" to "What could you have done different with the outfit that got you off the show?"
It was an event held exclusively for FIDM students as well as Instructors and administrators. I had a lot of fun with the discussion and was proud to be up there , not only as an alumni, but also as an instructor, sharing with the students what it takes to get into the show, as well as reaffirming the passion and determination one must have to follow in our footsteps.

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12 Responses to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Project Runway Panel at FIDM"

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick...

Did anyone take video? Please post on this sight ASAP!

Thanks. Loving you.


Anonymous said...

Nick - I love you man but please let it go. Bitter is not your color.

Anonymous said...

Am I missing something? What is bitter about this posting?

Anonymous said...

this is totally off topic but do you know when the project runway season dvd is supposed to come out?

StandardPrince said...

My Boyfriend thinks you are mad hot.


chuku said...

RE: The comment about the post being bitter (see above).
I think Santino forgot to sign in as the blogger.

Anonymous said...

My favorite challenge on project runway was the "Barbie Doll" challenge that Nick won. A friend sent me this link this morning . You can win a the limited edition Barbie Doll Nick designed on I want it!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite challenge on project runway was the "Barbie Doll" challenge that Nick won. A friend sent me this link this morning . You can win a the limited edition Barbie Doll Nick designed on I want it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,

I hope you can get a copy of the panel discussion so we can view it.
I respect you for your continued support for people who want to succeed in the fashion industry.

Anonymous said...

I saw nothing bitter about this entry. And Nick, ANY color is "your color"!

Anonymous said...

just my luck...the panel was a month after i graduated FIDM. loved you on project runway, nick. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hola Nick soy de Caracas, Venezuela, el lugar donde creciste, me gustaria saber si fuistes novio de Daniel Vosovic y tambien me gustaria saber quienes son o fueron los finalistas de Project Runway y como fue tu ralación con Santino durante el programa.