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NICK APPEARANCES.....Billion Dollar Babes Sale NYC


As Madonna says: "I Love NEW YORK!"
I just got back last night after my whirlwind trip! The Billion Dollar Babes event was, once again, a huge success and tons of fun. It was so great to meet some Project Runway fans and give them an opportunity to purchase some of my clothing. I was having a great time helping girls find the perfect piece from my collection that made them look and feel fabulous!! Daniel joined me Friday night at the VIP Preview Sale Hosted by Elle Magazine and we took a few pictures with Kate Nobelius who is one of the creators of Billion Dollar Babes and runs the PR firm Couch Nobelius. She is not only stunningly beautiful, but also a sweet heart and has been so supportive of me for the last 5 years!
Having fun with Daniel!

Hangin' out and having fun
The next day I went to meet up with Emmett to say Hi and check out his new store. It is absolutely beautiful and he has done such a great job making it a perfect reflection of his great style and taste. When I walked in at around 3pm the store was packed with women enjoying Mother's Day and doing some shopping. We only had time for a quick Latte and conversation before I was off to catch my flight back to LA, but it was great to see him and his store doing so well.
Next up...Billion Dollar Babes in Los Angeles in June. I couldn't leave out all the West Coasters could I?!! More on that later. xoxoNick

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10 Responses to "NICK APPEARANCES.....Billion Dollar Babes Sale NYC"

Anonymous said...

I would so attend BDB in LA!

Can't wait for the details!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick:

Oh yeah! Us LA fans get an up close and personal with you?

Where and when?


Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...

It was great meeting you on Saturday...glad you had a fun time in New York. It is the best city!

Anonymous said...

it's so great hearing that the event was a success. and how couldn't it have been?? it's you!!! everyone loves Nick and everyone wants your clothes.

much love,


LauraK said...
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LauraK said...

Awwwwww... Nick I'm so sorry I missed you! I stopped by on Friday night but you were already gone. : ( I took a photo of my daughter by your display anyway and posted it on my blog. It was really a great event. Maybe I can come to LA for the next one!

chuku said...

Welcome back to Los Angeles...
where people sleep.

It's nice to see you stay in contact with some of the people from PR2 and it wasn't all cut throat and toss aside.

What do you think of Gaultier and his creations for Madonna and her current tour?
When I look at the designs on paper I'm not sure of the distinction between "fashion" and a costume...or are they fasionable costumes?

Thanks for the photos and updates!
Be well.

Anonymous said...

These pictures made my entire day! You too are wonderful. I would've loved to be able to come to NYC for a day and be able to meet you and David (and hopefully found Daniel as well). Maybe next time around ;)

Anonymous said...

hi, nick~~~
oh my god, i can't belive that i can talk to you ***just writing something on your blog > x < ***

OH, yes, my name is beeli, i am from HONG KONG, i have watch all project runway show, now in HONG KONG is showing season 2, last sat. had show the inspiration design~~~!!!!!! ****so slow~~~*** but after watching project runway i am more interesing in fasion design, in coming future may be i am going to study fasion design ***now i am studying exhibition and event design****