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NICK APPEARANCES.....Nick on TV Guide Channel's Reality Chat TV Show: Part Deux

On Friday I had a great time revisiting my girls, Kimberly Caldwell and Rosanna Tavarez, on their show Reality Chat. They were just as fun as the first time and this trip I arrived with gifts! I gave them each a piece of Nick Verreos/NIKOLAKI clothing and they loved it! I had a great time spending another afternoon chatting with them and promoting the DVD release of Project Runway and the new season 3. Tune in on Sunday, June 25th @ 7pm (with repeat on Tuesday June 27th @ 4pm) or check HERE for the listing in your local city.

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6 Responses to "NICK APPEARANCES.....Nick on TV Guide Channel's Reality Chat TV Show: Part Deux"

Anonymous said...

oh...nick ...can"t see your photos

miss you so much!

Anonymous said...

Hay Nick!
Thanks for the update! I missed you last time, so I just set it to record on my tivo!

Eltxo News said...

Hey Nick, te he visto en Project Runway. Me gusta mucho como diseñas... Suerte. Eltxo, desde Santiago de Chile

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick:

You truly have become THE most popular PR alumni.

Who needs to win when charm, personality and talent come out on top?


Casey MacKenzie Johnson said...

I totally saw you by accident and got so excited I didn't even see what was on TV! Ha, love it!! I am so happy you are getting publicity for your stuff... You don't even know how much my best friend and I screamed at the TV when you wnt home. I was so close to crying!!!

I can't wait for the DVD!! I need more Andre faces!! Hehe, I miss him! Are you still in touch?

Anonymous said...

My mom and I simply LOVE you! We watched you last night and we were laughing so hard we COULD NOT BREATHE!! I sware that was the most entertaining interview I have ever seen! :)
Hope you had fun too.
Can't wait to see the DVD!