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Survivor Finale and NY Fun!

I apologize for not posting in awhile, but I just finished spending a crazy, fun-filled week in New York doing several projects including attending the finale of Survivor: Fiji in support of my sister who was a contestant.

One of the best moments was when they showed my beautiful niece and nephew during the reunion portion of the show. It was Mother's Day when the show aired live and Casia had made Rita a beautiful, big card. She brought it to the show and was told to hold it up when the cameras went to her. Unfortunetly, it got stuck under the seat so she didn't get to show her card to the world but both Casia and Alain got their cute little faces on camera and I'm sure on Monday they were the stars of their school!

I had a great time and will do a complete review of all the exciting things that happened during the week when I actually get a second to breathe!

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