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NICK APPEARANCES.....2 Bad Girls: Ripsi & Perez

Recently, my friend Woody sent me a photo that just made my day!! It shows him with my favorite cast member, Ripsi of Oxygen's Bad Girl's Club, one of my favorite brain-cell killing TV-watching indulgences of last Winter.

"Tipsi Ripsi" instantly became iconic, even though it was for all the wrong reasons. She would wake up and instantly have a shot of Patron instead of a bagel as her breakfast of choice, and her day would quickly descend from there. Ripsi's infamous drunken smack-down of a fight with some of her roommates then took her to another level. After the fight seen and heard round the world, Ripsi was quickly kicked out of the Bad Girls Club house and I stopped watching the show. So it was to great delight when I received a photo in my email "Inbox" from Woody showing him and Ripsi holding up a sign saying "We Love Nick". Nick "hearts" Ripsi too!!!!!

And finally, just a few days ago, I also received this other photo that appeared on, showing me with a group of UCLA students holding up a sign saying "We Love Perez Hilton". In case you have been living under a rock in Siberia, is THE celebrity gossip website that has revolutionized the industry with all those scandalous photos showing the likes of Britney and Lindsay doing things they should not be doing. It is, yet, another secret indulgence that I cannot go to bed without! About a month back, I hosted and judged a "Project Runway" Design Challenge event at UCLA, and afterward, some of the students decided this would be a perfect opportunity to give Perez a "Shout Out".

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3 Responses to "NICK APPEARANCES.....2 Bad Girls: Ripsi & Perez"

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick - Minnie here from England. We've just seen you getting being auf wiedersehn'd from ProjRunway. Really tragic esp as Santino is what we call here in England a "complete arse"

Anyway I'm a big fan of your work. Especially the really wonderful blue dress you designed for Nicky Hilton. I would really really really like to know if you would make one for me? The colour is delicious and the design is really cool. I'm a UK size 10 below and a size 8 on top - which I think = a is a US 6 below and 4 ontop - but t varies from shop to shop.

I am so hoing = you're not too busy being a celebrity (which you do deserve) to do me the honour of making me one of your dresses.!

Let me know yea or nay.

Lots of best wishes

Anonymous said...

PS I'm on or my cell from the US is

01144 774 777 0987


viagra without prescription said...

nice blog this, this evil Ripsi & Perez are hopeless lol, I liked reading about them, thanks for the space.