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Nick & Andrae...and the Disco Ball Pig


The Nick and Andrae Show visits Seattle

Last month, I had the privilege to be invited back to the International Academy of Design and Technology (IADT), Seattle, for their Finale Gala Fashion Show, titled "Do You La Mode?". This time around, I was happy to be joined by the one and only Andrae Gonzalo. We were asked to host the actual show , judge it, and give a special seminar/lecture the day after. The day we arrived, after checking in to the Hotel Monaco, we were drawn by some stylistic galactic power to this wonderful sculpture right outside the entrance of the hotel. It was a Disco Ball Pig! Well, you just KNOW we had to take a photo! It took a while for the hotel staff to try and pry us away from that damn pig! I want to commission the artist to make me one for my Loft/studio back in LA.

I always have such a fun time in Seattle, thanks to the fabulous Hotel Monaco, the staff and students at IADT Seattle, who work fearlessly to further the knowledge and instruction of fashion and all types of design in the Emerald City and beyond. I also had an amazing time with my friend, Eduardo and his Seattle-based "Venezuelan Posse", who have incorporated me as "one of their family". We had the best empanada-and-wine dinner at a friend's house, I would have stayed there all night! Needless to say, he decided to show Andrae the sights and sounds of Seattle-at-night. Thanks Eduardo. You are the best!

It was a quick three days in Seattle and I wish I would have stayed longer, but alas, I had to come back to LA to get back to designin' ---and to order all the glass needed to make a new Disco Ball Pig for my Studio!

Click HERE for a Seattle Times article about Andrae and I standing by the Disco Ball pig.
and HERE to read my entire posting on about my wonderful visit to Seattle.

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2 Responses to "Nick & Andrae...and the Disco Ball Pig"

Taylor Cole Miller said...

Oooh, Seattle's on my list of possible future cities. I love that weather! "Where's Andrae?"

I have an internship in LA over winter break on Wilshire BLVD at THE ADVOCATE -- but I've never been to LA...or even California for that matter...want to give me a tour?

G.G. said...

A disco ball pig is just exactly what everyone needs! :)