The episode I co-hosted debuts tonight on the TV Guide Channel at 7 PM and replays at midnight as well as at 4 PM Monday afternoon (check your local listings). I had so much fun doing it, since the show is about fashion (my forte) and this particular episode was the Halloween Special!! Yes, you will get to see Uncle Nicky in full costume! You will have to watch it to see what I wore. Since the show is "live taped", there is little room for missteps--and I warn you, there were some on my part, but that's the beauty of live TV! It was a joy to have been asked to do this and to work alongside Daphne (who was a dream!) and to return to the TV Guide Channel. Love them!
1 Response to "NICK APPEARANCES.....TV Guide Channel's Fashion Team"
I'm watching the Fashion Wrap up on the Tv Guide Channel and I can't believe what I'm watching. I know M.I.A. wasn't wearing the best outfit, but you know what she's nine months pregnant, so was it really necessary to critique. The comment Nick made about "how he thought Bollywood dancers were gonna pop out from her under dress and do a dance number" and how you reference the elephant God and stuff. I'm sorry but as a Hindu, I think that's kinda offensive. Not to mention M.I.A. isn't even Indian, she's actually Sri Lankan - there's a clear distinction.
I saw your SAG Fashion Award wrap up and now the grammy one and I'm just appalled at what you all get paid to say - it just flabbergasts me.
Get your facts straight before you say this kind of bulls*** on national TV!
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