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NICK APPEARANCES.....Ferris State Michigan Appearance

Nick & Andrae Road Show:
Next Stop: Ferris State Michigan!About a month ago, fellow Season 2 designer Andrae Gonzalo and I were invited by Ferris State University in Big Rapids Michigan to speak about (wait for it!) : Proper Business Attire for University Students going into the "work force" as well as about Project Runway. You take a guess what they were most interested in hearing? Yep, if you answered "Project Runway", you were right. After an hour discussion advice on what young men and women should wear when going to an interview, the first question revolved around whether or not Andrae ever got to go to Red Lobster with his (unsuspecting) made-up boyfriend, Tim Gunn!
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring a camera so I asked several of the wonderful students who took photos, to email me the photos they took. Only one took me up on that offer (there were 400 attendees!) and that was Luke Mamo (seen here in his Middle Eastern-by-way-of-Urban-Outfitters- scarf). Him and his friends actually hail from CMU and study fashion there. Andrae and I had a wonderful time with our hosts at Ferris as well as meeting all the people (we signed 'autographs' and took photos afterwards for over an hour) who came out, during Midterms , to see us.
Afterwards, our hosts took us to Applebee's for a great dinner. Andrae and I were Applebee's 'virgins', therefore this was a treat! There was no "Red Lobster" in Big Rapids, but if there was, that's where we would have been. Our Big Rapids Sightseeing Tour culminated with going to a Gun and Liquor Store. I am not kidding: Welcome to Michigan: Here's a Gun and Liquor Store for your one-stop shopping convenience! Andrae and I went CRAZY! We'd never seen anything like that and really had fun, trying on some "huntin" fashion and buying some stuff. Don't worry , neither of us are animal hunters. We just hunt fashion victims!

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2 Responses to "NICK APPEARANCES.....Ferris State Michigan Appearance "

Anonymous said...

Gun AND liquor store?! That's classy.


--beth lagaron

Michee Rose said...

Make that "Welcome to Northern Michigan" (which, by the way, is different than the Upper Peninsula).
You go farther North, you really do have one-stop-shopping (guns, groceries, clothes and liquor). And if you were to attend a wedding in Big Rapids (much less farther north), fully expect a good portion of that "hunting fashion" to show up there...along with a healthy dose of mullets.
Oh yes, we still have us some rednecks out here. :-D
(BTW, yes, I am from Michigan...but from a different "Rapids")