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NICK APPEARANCES.....Andrew Christian Show at Los Angeles Fashion Week

Hot boys, Hotter underwear: It's the Andrew Christian Show!Welcome to HOLLYWOOOOOD: The Scene at the Andrew Christian Fashion Show presentation, Boulevard 3 Nightclub It now has become a staple of Los Angeles Fashion Week to end the festivities and fashion shows with the Andrew Christian Fashion Show. Once again, it was held at Boulevard 3 Nightclub on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, and I was invited to attend the madness. I rarely make it out to Hollywood--and especially on a Friday night--because it is always ONE BIG MESS! It always feels like I am at one of those big and tacky Las Vegas nightclubs--lots of drunk straight guys and scantily clad drunk girls. Picture VH1's Tool Academy and Oxygen's Bad Girl's Club somehow (and unfortunately) coming together. So, with that mix, I ended up right in the "thick of it", at Andrew Christian's Fall 2009 Fashion Show. My "fish out of water" feeling was calmed when, as I walked in, I immediately saw my Project Runway Season 2 friend, Raymundo Baltazar and California Apparel News' Alison Nieder. Bad Girls Club: Guests including Raymundo Baltazar and California Apparel News' Alison Nieder before the Andrew Christian Fashion Show LA-based Andrew Christian has become the go-to guy for sexy hot men's underwear, swimsuits and work-out wear and has built his multi-million dollar brand behind it. I'm sure you may also recognize his name from the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency Show. Recently, he has broadened his style spectrum and began doing womenswear as well as actual "outer" menswear, such as vests, shirts, and pants. All tight-fitting , fabulous and perfect for the guy who has the .00002 % body fat to wear his aforementioned underwear. Scarf Happy: Nick Verreos poses with one of the beautiful models from the Andrew Christian Fall '09 Fashion Show For Fall 2009, he showed fitted colorful plaid and striped men's dress shirts, grey pants and shorts, as well as those sexy underwear he's known for (one jockstrap style almost drove the entire club into a FRENZY--all the 200+ women and the 10 gay boys in the audience went into a TIZZY!). Look Hard, He's Wearing a JOCKSTRAP! The crowd goes wild at the Andrew Christian Fashion Show, Boulevard 3 For women, there were fitted black shift dresses, jumpers and "paper-bag" skirts. Since Andrew is an "equal-opportunity employer", he also sent out various lingerie looks on his girls to balance out the exposed male skin. The mood seemed very "Pussycat Dolls-meets-The Derby". For the finale, everyone expected to see Andrew come out and do his traditional bow and walk, instead his design team did. So, the main question everyone was asking was not "Where do I get that jockstrap?" but more of "Where's Andrew Christian?". If I was him, I would have been back there with the models taking care of the double-stick tape (wink wink!). Click Below for a video of the Finale Walk of the Andrew Christian models: Click HERE for a great slide show of the Andrew Christian Fall 2009 Collection from

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1 Response to "NICK APPEARANCES.....Andrew Christian Show at Los Angeles Fashion Week"

Unknown said...

These models are paid thousands just for wearing an Andrew Christian underwear on the runway... Where's the meritocracy in that?