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WHO WORE WHAT?.....82nd Annual Academy Awards: Sarah Jessica Parker in Chanel Couture

Sarah Jessica Parker in Chanel Haute Couture Spring 2010 You have to give Sarah Jessica Parker points for always pushing the "fashion envelope". As I have said before I get so excited to recognize a dress from the Couture Collections and say "Oh No She Didn't!!! She's wearing....." I would have rather seen Maggie Gyllenhaal wear the blush pink dress from this collection. This will definitely not be a favorite of many people, but she will definitely be on many peoples "Lists" tomorrow whether Good or Bad; and that is always a good thing!

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1 Response to "WHO WORE WHAT?.....82nd Annual Academy Awards: Sarah Jessica Parker in Chanel Couture"

R. Christian Anderson said...

My guess is that this will be seen as a mis-step for our beloved Sarah. She deserves far better than this "shower curtain"... I don't care who is the designer, it looks like she is hiding a pregnancy or extra popcorn in there. The jeweled top looks tacky, as well. With her figure and radiant face, this was a bomb in my book. :(