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ICE STYLE.....Grand Prix of France 2010: Men, Ladies

Bonjour France!
French Figure Skater Brian Joubert skating his Short program at Trophee Eric Bompard before pulling out of the Free Program as a result of gastroenteritis
I can't believe it's almost over! Well, the Grand Prix of Figure Skating Finals, that is. We've "traveled" the entire Globe--Japan, China, Russia, Canada and the United States--in search of the top figure skaters in the world. As well as in search of the best and not-so-best Figure Skating Costumes.
This last weekend was the Trophee Eric Bompard in France, the last stop before the Final Grand Prix in Beijing China (it's in two weeks!). Of course, I was watching to see who would make the final cut and eventually go to Beijing, but naturally, I was also watching for the costumes and for my Figure Skating Blog.
I also especially LOVE the Grand Prix of France because they always have the MOST FABULOUS "Kiss-and-Cry" section! They make Russia's--and every other Grand Prix for that matter--look as if they're in someone's Trailer Park! Leave it to the French: Always Chic. Here are some (Costume) highlights from this past weekend: Once again, there were a few Costume Changes. Check it all out below:
US Figure Skater Mirai Nagasu's Costume Changes
Memoirs of a Pretty Skate: Another Change in Costume! What is happening? Are these ladies actually reading my comments here on (I privately hope so!). I like this new costume: It’s young, fresh; love the bright white color and the delicate youthful flower detail. However (you know that was coming), I wished that the skirt would have been a lighter more flowy chiffon or georgette fabric.
US Figure Skater Alyssa Czisny's Costume Changes
Color Genius: At first glance, I actually thought Alyssa Czisny’s costume was a brand-new costume. But soon enough I realized “Oh wait, it’s the SAME costume!” but she did something really unique. She added a splash of hand-painted color and Voila: New costume! I think it’s actually quite genius of her (or her people) to have done that. I call this “New Costume for the Economic Recession!” I liked the costume before but now, I LOVE it!
Japan's Haruka Imai at Grand Prix of France/Trophee Eric Bompard
Kismet On Ice: Haruka Imai’s colorful costume, in which she skated to the Polovetsian Dances, or better known for its “Stranger In Paradise” melody, was a little over the top I thought. It may have been a bit too literal for me. I liked the intricate top but lose the “car wash” fringed skirt and tacky arm bands. Along with her flailing arm movements, those two things didn’t help.
Fumie Suguri's Costume: From Bad to Good...or Bad to Worse???
See what I thought about Japan's Fumie Suguri Costume Re-do--plus all the other costumes from Grand Prix of France HERE on!

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1 Response to "ICE STYLE.....Grand Prix of France 2010: Men, Ladies"

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your upbeat and interesting commentary on the ice skater fashions and fashion in general! I love it!