A Ho-Down, A Spanish Señorita and a Black Swan??
Do-Si-Do: China's Sui and Han, during their "County & Western"-themed Short Program Skate Canada
Yes, kids, it's Halloween Weekend so it seems oh-so-appropriate to check out the COSTUMES in this weekend's
ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Skate Canada 2011. If you've been keeping up here on my blog, last week, I had the pleasure of actually attending
Skate America 2011 in Ontario, California (about 44 miles east of LA), the first of the ISU Grand Prix series of international senior level invitational competitions.

Well, now, the Grand Prix moves up North, to
Mississauga, Ontario Canada (near Toronto). The Pairs skated their Short and Long Programs and here were some of my favorite--and a couple of my not-so-fave costumes:
Sui and Han of China: I can only say one thing:
LOVED IT!!! These two are certainly "the ones to watch" when it comes to Pairs Figure Skating", not only are they amazing on the ice--athletically and in terms of making "the grade" for all their jumps, throws, etc.. But artistically: they ROCK! Love 'em.

For their Skate Canada 2011 Short Program, they skated to a
"Country Dance" soundtrack and their costumes were a TEN! The washed denim, the red-and-white gingham, the brown "suede" fringe, and of course, the bedazzling sequins on her corset--all great!
Two of my favorite costumes of the entire season! (I know, the season just began--but just let me be "Costume Dramatic").
Sui and Han China: My new favorite pair couple continued their "FAB Costume Parade" for their Long Program. They skated to
"Soul of Flamenco" and their costumes were PERFECTION.
It was Sevilla Heaven! Whoever is doing their costumes deserves an "A"! I could not get over the way the costumes were so NOT "Toddlers & Tiaras" version of
España and especially how authentic 16 year-old Wenjing Sui's "Flamenco" hand movements were.
As I like to say: Somebody Done been teaching her right. Olé!
Volosozhar and Trankov of Russia: Another one of my favorite costumes were Volosozhar and Trankov's
"Black Swan" Long Program ones.
First of all: can we talk about how sexy he is? He exudes S.E.X. (Sorry Maxim!). But let's get back to the costumes. Both his and hers were just right. There was a slight nod to the ballet but about 80% was "Figure Skating showmanship". I liked his randomly placed raw-edged chiffon "feathers" and the dark, menacing tone of his ensemble. Now hers:

The curved black-and-white feathering detail with sequin applique covered all the "right areas" of her top--mixed with the nude illusion--it was the perfect mix of
Black Swan and
Ice Queen. It was dark and at the same time, beautiful. I like it much better than what her costume was originally:

Here she is when they skated at the
Nebelhorn Trophy international skating competition event in Oberstdorf Germany back in September. There was lots more white in her costume: the top section as well as the "Tutu". I like the new-and-improved darker version.
Now, a couple of the not-so-good:
Volosozhar and Tarankov of Russia: Yes, the same "Black Swan" fabulous pair, skated to
"Evanescence" music for their Short Program. Their costumes, I guess, were supposed to be directional, modern, and edgy. But they were anything but...
I thought these looked a bit like bad late 80's/early 90's Halloween Costumes. They were vibing a bit of Duran Duran-meets-Toni Basil. It was like I was watching an old skating exercise video from 1992.
Iliushechkina and Maisuradze: These two had fabulous "Chorus Line"-inspired costumes for their
Long Program featuring lean, mean black with gold accented ensembles that would make Bob Fosse blush.
But for their Short program, they totally went Cheap-tastic. They skated to Rossini's
"The Barber of Seville" and I get the connection, I just didn't like the result. Especially hers. His bright gold embroidered lapel, fan-pleated neckline-and-cuff look was fine; her costume, however, looked like it was created from cheap trim bought on sale from a local bargain fabric store.
Keep his. Change hers. ASAP!
*Next Up: More Skate Canada 2011 Costumes!
1 Response to "ICE STYLE.....2011 Skate Canada Grand Prix of Figure Skating: PAIRS"
A Chorus Line was created, directed, and choreographed by Michael Bennett, not Bob Fossee. But otherwise, I love the post!
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