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RUNWAY REPORT.....Milan Menswear Fashion Week: DSquared2 A/W 2012

Marlon Brandon meets "Glee" meets Prepster Trust Funder...
Bab Boy Prepster: DSquared2 Men's Fall/Winter 2012/2013
Continuing with Menswear Fall/Winter 2012/2013 Fashion Week in Milan, now it's time to pump up the sex appeal with none other than those Canadian boys--Dean and Dan Caten of Dsquared2. Renzo Rozo of Diesel owns a majority stake in the Dsquared2 label and yes, therefore the two skinny Canadian twins can have these fabulous campy--and very expensive shows--season after season--And I'm all the better for it--because A) I love me a campy Dsquared2 show and B) I also love the models...ooops, I mean the clothes.
Vacation from Swiss Boarding School: Dsquared2 Men's Fall/Winter 2012/2013
The show began--in typical Dsquared2 showmanship with a stage that was turned into a somewhat-rowdy classroom with model-students acting up--as if the teacher had just left the room--but then, the show--and collection itself went from rowdy students--to High Tailored Prepsters. Very fitted skinny jeans, UBER sharp coats and cropped jackets, a knotted neck scarf here and there, and elegant Alpine Winter sweaters and (Hello Rick Santorum!!) sweater vests!!!
Coach Says "Give Me Ten Fashion Sit-Up's": Dsquared2 Men's Fall/Winter 2012/2013
Prom Season: Dsquared2 Men's Fall/Winter 2012/2013
I admit, part of me wants that oversized sequined sleeve parka above, just because I would LOVE to board a long transcontinental flight in that! I always love the styling of the Dsquared2 collections and from time to time, I have found myself printing some of these looks and use as "Muses" for my wardrobe. I just wished I looked like one of these boys...oh well...maybe in my next life. Click Below for the Dsquared2 Men's Fall/Winter 2012/2013 Full Runway Video:

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