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WHO WORE WHAT?.....Grammy Awards 2013: Katy Perry in Gucci

Katy Perry wore Gucci Resort 2013 to last night's Grammy Awards and said that her inspiration was Priscilla Presley from the "Elvis Days". I see the reference with the hair and make-up, but that is one sexy Priscilla Presley. Maybe Priscilla Presley 2.0!

The minute I saw Katy on the Red Carpet I knew that the dress was NOT designed to be that revealing. After doing some quick research I remembered the dress from the Gucci 2013 Resort Collection on a VERY flat chested model. While I do prefer the dress on the model and worn the way it was designed, Katy is workin' it and she always chooses beautiful colors to wear against her skin.

She was just one of many women to defy the memo by CBS!

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