SF Pretty Room: Nick Verreos at the Benefit Cosmetics San Francisco boutique
Arriving at SFO via Virgin America
Last week, I flew to San Francisco for business--on Virgin America (love them!) and had the opportunity to take in some of the fabulous SF "sights", including...
Taking a photo of an iconic San Francisco Cable Car--Powell and Market, San Francisco
During my time in SF, I had time to stop by the Benefit Cosmetics San Francisco Headquarters and SF Boutique to say "Hello"! As you may know, Benefit Cosmetics is the makeup sponsor for "Project Runway: Under The Gunn" and I just LOVE them (I cannot live without their POREfessional!)
Window Display Benefit Cosmetics San Francisco
Presenting Benefit Cosmetics SF: Nick Verreos, in front of the Benefit Cosmetics San Francisco Boutique

Nick Verreos at Benefit Cosmetics San Francisco Boutiqu
Makeup Time: Once I arrived at the San Francisco HQ of Benefit Cosmetics, I got the VIP treatment--I got some (light) makeup done and discovered that I am not "Benefit Honey" but rather "Benefit Beige". Thank You Benefit Cosmetics! After the Makeup consultation, it was time for a Brow "fix"...
Nick Verreos and Peaches--After I got "clocked" (luckily) by a Benefit Cosmetics Makeup pro on what choice of makeup I should wear for TV, I got a special treat: I got my eyebrows "fixed" by the wonderful Peaches at the Benefit Cosmetics Boutique San Francisco. She did a fab job on my brows and I LOVE her for it!
Benefit San Francisco
After my "Pretty Time" at the Benefit Cosmetics Boutique San Francisco, I had the pleasure of ending my SF trip having some DELISH wine and charcuterie-and-cheese at Rouge et Blanc right next to the Triton Hotel SF:
Yum: Cheese and Charcuterie Plate at Rouge et Blanc, San Francisco
SF Chinatown: "Rouge et Blanc" Wine Bar is right in front of the entrance of San Francisco's Chinatown so I had to be a "tourist" and get a photo of the entrance gate---LOVE me some San Francisco!
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