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FIDM.....FIDM Fall 2014 Open House Alumni Panel FIDM Los Angeles

Nick Verreos with FIDM L.A. Open House attendee--FIDM Los Angeles Fall 2014 Open House

This past weekend, I had the humbling honor of being the "Celebrity Appearance" at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDM Fall 2014 Open House in the FIDM Los Angeles campus. Open House is a unique way for students thinking of  possibly attending FIDM to see for themselves what it's like to be a student at FIDM by checking out the campus, libraries, study spaces, classrooms. Open House attendees get to meet and interact with students, faculty and alumni as well. 

Alumni Hosting: Nick Verreos moderating the FIDM Los Angeles Fall 2014 Open House Alumni Panel Discussion

Speaking of alumni, during this weekend's Open House, I also had the fabulous honor of hosting and moderating the FIDM Open House Alumni Panel (photo above). I had a great time and here's my Blog Recap with Lots of Pics of the day. If you were one of those lucky students and/or parents who attended...ENJOY!

MC Verreos: Nick Verreos hosting the FIDM L.A. 2014 Fall Open House Alumni Panel Discussion

Prior to the Alumni Panel Discussion, I had to "bless" the Open House with my Runway Walk:
 Runway Nick: Nick Verreos--FIDM Los Angeles Fall 2014 Open House

FIDM Open House Panel Discussion: (L to R) Current FIDM student in her last quarter of the Bachelor's in Business Management program, Sarah Bitticks; Footwear designer and FIDM Alumni Michael David II; and celebrity stylist, TV personality, fashion expert FIDM Alumni Daniel Musto with Nick Verreos moderating the FIDM L.A. Fall 2014 Alumni Panel Discussion 

FIDM Los Angeles Fall 2014 Open House Meet-and-Greet Pics:
 A Very Stylish Attendee: Nick Verreos and a very dapper attendee--FIDM L.A. Fall 2014 Open House

 Nick Verreos with attendees at FIDM L.A. Fall 2014 Open House

#Selfie Time:
Nick Verreos taking selfies with FIDM L.A. Fall 2014 Open House attendees

One Final Selfie:
Group Selfie with my Alumni Panel Michael, Sarah and Daniel (Thank You Daniel for being the selfie photo-taking master!) and the FIDM L.A. Fall 2014 Open House attendees (as many as we could fit in the photo!)

A HUGE "THANK YOU!" to everyone who attended the FIDM Open House in the Los Angeles campus this past weekend! I had a BLAST meeting you (and the mommies and dads), giving advice and hopefully, you guys also enjoyed it! XOXO

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