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SASHES AND TIARAS.....Miss Universe 2014 National Costumes Preview Part 1

Costume Beauties: Miss Universe 2014 contestants (Clockwise from top, Australia, Colombia, Bahamas, Great Britain) and their proposed National Costumes for the 63rd edition of Miss Universe

The 63rd edition of the Miss Universe beauty pageant has just begun! If you are a "Pageant Fan" or Missosologist--you might know that the Miss Universe 2014 pageant finals did NOT happen in 2014 but is in fact occurring in two weeks on January 25th in the city of Doral Florida--a suburb of Miami.

These finals will be telecast LIVE on NBC, of course. The first batch of contestants--88 total are competing--have arrived and keeping busy with pre-pageant finals activities, photo sessions and fittings, among other things.

The winner will of course replace Miss Universe 2013 Maria Gabriela Isler from Venezuela (above) who will have the "Fun Fact" of being the first Miss Universe to have reigned over a period of THREE years. She was crowned in 2013, reigned through 2014 and will give up her crown this year in 2015.

As a lead up to all things "Miss Universe" here on my blog--its time to showcase a "Preview" of the fabulous--and fan favorite--National Costumes--the delegates might be wearing for the pageant. I stress "might" since these photos have been garnered via the web/Facebook pages, etc. and one never knows if the contestants will change their costume or these might just be small 'bites" of the actual final version. We will all find out what they actually packed with them on January 21st during the Preliminary Competition and Costume Show.

So, since there are so many, I have divided this blog in two parts--here's the first batch of (probable) Miss Universe 2014 contestants' National Costumes...beginning with Albania:
Albania Zhaneta Byberi: From this social media pic, it would look as if Miss Universe Albania's national costume would stick to a more "traditional" design. I love the colors, the lace trim and jeweled accents.

Australia Tegan Martin: Miss Australia Tegan Martin will wear an ensemble inspired by a Dreamtime sunset for the national costume portion of the Miss Universe international final.
The costume, created by emerging Victorian designer Caitlin Holstock, beat out three other designs.The winning look, which was decided on by the public, comprises of an ocre color bodice and skirt embellished with clay beading and native drawings.
Bahamas Tomii Culmer: Miss Universe Bahamas' costume is influenced by the sea and particular the pearls and seashell. Notice the blue tulle representing the water. It seems pretty fitting for a beauty queen from the beautiful Caribbean island nation of The Bahamas.

Bolivia Claudia Tavel: Claudia's costumes seems to be a silver and ivory sequined eagle, consisting of a fitted (smooshed breast) top, mini (are those her panties!!??), thigh high boots and yes, the feathered back piece. It's very "Victoria's Secret", the Hoochie version.

British Virgin Islands Jaynene Jno Lewis: Very British Virgin Islands traditional. I love the print of the full skirt ad how it's brought back to the headdress/turban.

China Yanliang Hu: Yanliang posted this post on her official Facebook page and so there was speculation that maybe this was her National Costume. But, knowing what last year's Miss Universe China wore, she might actually wear something much more Couture Fab!

Colombia Paulina Vega: Love the colors, the festive-ness of it, the heavy red necklaces, that parasol! It makes me smile.

Croatia Ivana Misura: Ivana's national costume seems to be on the more traditional side incorporating elements of a typical Croatian folk costume and the strong red color which is prevalent in those said designs.

Czech Republic Gabriela Frankova: a tan-colored with gold details, strapless ensemble incorporating a fitted bustier, full-circle skirt and golden feathered headdress is what Gabriela might be wearing as her National Costume. I sure hope that there's a Czech reader here who will educating me on what this all means.

Dominican Republic Kimberly Castillo: Kimberly is featuring a lot of religious symbolism with her supposed National Costume as Miss Universe Dominican Republic 2014. I like how the Virgin has been incorporated into the strapless gown (not sure how the Virgin would like that but...) and the cascade overskirt is an interesting design touch (not sure if "interesting" means good).

Ecuador Alejandra Argudo: Alejandra seems to be going the Pre-Columbian route in terms of her National Costume. I like it. I just hope she loses those nude suede heels; they DEFINITELY do not go with the costume! As a side note: this costume is very "Miss Tahiti" for some reason. Maybe she's vibing more "Easter Island" as opposed to Guayaquil!

El Salvador Patricia Murillo: Wow! Me Gusta. Speaking of Pre-Columbian. Miss El Salvador is giving you "Pre-Columbian Empress" HUUUNEY! I love everything...except the strappy platforms. The heels take it from "National Costume" to "I'm at a Las Vegas nightclub!".

France Camille Cerf: Beret: Check! Eiffel Tower lace applique: Check! As cheesy as this gown might be, it's actually quite good! It somehow meshes Fashion, Couture and yes, a little bit (OK, a LOT!) of France.

Great Britain Grace Levy: Sexy Foot Guards Uniform. Enough said. Yes, she's representing Great Britain.

Guatemala Ana Montufar Urrutia: Ana wore this costume above when she competed in the Miss Universe Guatemala 2014 pageant, so it might be a good prediction that she will wear this as her National Costume. I think she should; it's all things FABULOSO!!!

Guyana Niketa Barker: I LOVE this costume. I have NO IDEA what it means, but I still love it. The golden sequin "scales" remind me of a lizard and that headdress is waaay too fabulous for words. And then, she's holding a golden oversized ball??? If you are from Guyana and can ESSSPLAIN any of this, I'd love to read your comments below!

Haiti Christie Desir: These pics above are from Christie's social media so yes, excuse the, well, low-budget-ness of it all. I love the version on the left with all the straw hats by the way.

India Noyonita Lodh: Noyonita had this photo on her Official Facebook Page so I assumed it might be her National Costume. If so, it's pretty great! Miss India NEEDS to "bring it" when it comes to a national costume at Miss Universe. No If, And's, or But's.

Indonesia Elvira Devinamira: Three words: You. Go. Girl. Leave it to Miss Indonesia to always up the Costume ante. That headdress is slaying me! I just don't understand how something like this gets transported half way across the world. And it doesn't get lost! And who gets charged for the baggage fees? Certainly not the Miss Universe Org. I am sure of that.

Ireland Lisa Madden: An Irish Warrior Princess I presume? Even if it isn't, she looks HOT!

 Japan Keiko Tsuji: Speaking of a guess is that Keiko is vibing Sexy Samurai. I like it!

Kazakhstan Aiday Issayeva: Feathered wings, bird feet, draped skirt/sarong, cropped bustier...if this is really the National Costume of Miss Universe Kazakhstan, then...I cannot wait!

**Next Up: Part 2 of Miss Universe 2014 National Costumes Preview: Malaysia-Venezuela

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1 Response to "SASHES AND TIARAS.....Miss Universe 2014 National Costumes Preview Part 1"

Unknown said...

Im from Guyana:
National Costume is entitled “The Golden Rush”. Since Guyana is known as the city of El Dorado; it is believed that the world’s most valuable treasure lies in the bosom of the “Golden City”. Each experience in this rush of treasury unfolds a breath taking aura of majestic splendor. The reassure map that is situated on the back of this costume reveals the gateway to the key points of enjoyment in the golden city. It is fountain of Gold Melting into a huge nugget, a representation of One People, One Nation, One Destiny.