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SASHES AND TIARAS.....My 10 LEAST FAVORITE Gowns of Miss Universe 2015 Preliminaries

The Sale Rack: Some of Least Favorite Gowns seen at the Miss Universe 2015 Preliminaries

In my last post HERE, I discussed the Top 15 Best Gowns (in my humble opinion) from this past Thursday's Miss Universe 2015 Preliminary Competition. I have to say that for the most part, there were a lot of Good gowns--out of the 80 on display, worn by the beauties from all over the world, there weren't too many cray-cray ones. But...there were some. So, I've compiled a list of my TEN LEAST FAVORITE gowns from the Miss Universe 2015 Preliminaries. Either for the lack of "gown funds" in each national pageant's organization, or lack of taste level, or just lacking anything resembling what a top Hollywood actress and/or model would wear to an important red carpet event, these were among some of the reasons why these ended up here... 
At the end, I also included a couple gowns which disappointed me, especially because the candidates wearing them are A) considered favorites and B) I expected more; plus a "Special Gown Mention"...

The Oh Dear! Gowns:
Miss Guatemala Jeimmy Aburto: Cha-cha Queen Meets Quinciniera. If the rather garish fuchsia-pink sequins weren't enough, somehow the designer decided that it needed more as in clown-like bias hemmed ruffles at the bottom plus nude netting and then let's just do silver diamantes to fill in the space....This would be fun if it was a Gay pride Float for Drag Queen Mermaids. But it isn't.
Score: 5.00

Miss Japan Ariana Miyamoto: Star Trek Meets a Trashy AVN Awards. I just don't know why such a pretty girl would do this to herself; or make such a lack of taste level judgement. I just do not get it, the real point of the Evening Gown Competition--besides having the judge see their "poise" and "elegance", it is also to see if they have a level of taste. After all, if you are the new Miss Universe, you'll be walking many Red Carpets, and you don't want to end up on the WORST List. Here, with this gold high side-slit pleather concoction with black and white printed chiffon back details, Miss Universe Japan failed. I am soooo confused.
Score: 6.00

Miss Bulgaria Radostina Todorova: Ah, as they say in the South: "Bless Her Heart". Which really translates to "GURL! You are a Mess!". This is sweet and cute, if she was 18 and it was a New Year's Eve Dance in Missouri. But it ain't, it's THE MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT! The dress looks off-the-rack, cheap, it's too short...well, I'll just stop there. I, at least, give her points for wearing strappy heels and not those clunky platform heels.
Score: 6.00

Miss Montenegro Maja Cukic: I'll give Miss Universe Montenegro the benefit of the doubt and say that she was going for a more "Artsy" look--or at least the designer was. Here's a suggestion: DON'T. The top looks as if a nasty cat got to it while she was away and the skirt is "meh" and then she wore RED SHOES with this? Oh Dear!
Score: 6.00

Miss Albania Megi Luka: Megi looks very pretty. She's got an angelic, gorgeous face so part of me understands her choosing such a "sweet" gown but at the same time, I would have loved to have seen her in something more red carpet sexy fab. This velvet dress is more appropriate as a costume for Rome & Juliet.
Score: 6.25

Miss Hungary Nikoletta Nagy: I love canary yellow but the combination of the bright satin, with the gold lace and then gold sequins and the (yeah, there's more!), crystal straps in the front's all a bit cheap-looking and Tacky-licious. It's also very Quincieniera "Ayyy Mija!".
Score: 6.00

Miss Norway Martine Rodseth: This silver sequined and red crepe halter gown is not bad, it's just dated and not exciting. This is a gown one could find at an "After Five" section of a local department store and perfect for a Mother-of-the-Bride, or guest at the wedding. But not Fashion Fab or Couture enough for the Miss Universe pageant.
Score: 6.00

Miss Slovak Republic Denisa Vysnovska: Interestingly enough, this blue strapless ball gown was also her "national costume" (photo above from the Miss Universe 2015 National Costume Presentation); she just added some extra trim and a flowered headdress. This gown looks sweet but sweet is not enough. It also looks very polyester-y and that lace trim is better for grandma's tablecloth.
Score: 6.25

Miss Serbia Dasa Radosavljevic: This gold sequin dress is fine if you are a background dancer at a Cruise Ship's Dinner Theater show, but it looks cheap and tacky for Miss Universe. I could find this fabric for $2.99/yard in Downtown LA. That's not a good thing.
Score: 5.00

Miss Bolivia Romina Rocamonje: On a good note, this red satin with sequin side applique looks expensive and well made. But it's just Too-Mucheey for Romina. The back pouf overskirt was distracting as she walked onstage and frankly unnecessary in terms of design.. And then, there are those UBER platform pumps!!! Those SCARE me and bring memories of Naomi Campbell falling down on the Vivienne Westwood runway show back in 1993.
Score: 6.75

Could Have Been Better Gowns---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've selected the following two ladies--and their gowns--because these two--Miss Italy and Miss Venezuela--are two favorites for the Miss Universe 2015 crown (according to beauty pageant followers/fans) and I was just a bit surprised that their choice of gowns weren't impacting or couture-strong enough. I just expected more "Wow!".

Miss Italy Giada Pezzaioli: This wasn't a bad gown, it was just a bit too busy and confusing and instead of highlighting Giada and how stunning and model-like she is, she got lost in the gown and it almost aged her as well. I also just didn't understand the back olive-and-black "capes" and how that went with the black and nude sequin applique gown; it didn't make sense and also looked like an afterthought and an addition that shouldn't have been added.

Miss Venezuela Mariana Jimenez: I loved the color of this gown and the gorgeous ombre-like sequined degrade. The gown also fit well and was the perfect length. But...I just expected more "Wow!". This gown just didn't get my "Couture Heart" beating as some of the usual Miss Venezuela gowns do. I also wasn't a fan of her styling--the hair looked a little too "Pageant Pretty" and slightly late 90's dated.

Special Gown Mention for Originality-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miss Sweden Paulina Brodd: Now, I know what you may be thinking: "Has Nick lost his gown mind??" No, I haven't. I kinda like this gown, I admit, mainly for the fact that the sequin applique/print/colors were very striking and it was one of the most original gown styles from the Miss Universe 2015 Evening Gown Preliminary Competition. I get that this could be considered a tad Cray-Cray but it's Good Cray-cray, at least in my eyes!

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4 Responses to "SASHES AND TIARAS.....My 10 LEAST FAVORITE Gowns of Miss Universe 2015 Preliminaries"

Lili said...

Albania was my favorite. I thought it was elegant, flattering, and simply beautiful. But then I've been over beads and sequins on sheer netting for a few years now. I think many of us are ready for something different - classy and ladylike.

Anonymous said...

Japan- I'd be afraid that would mess up the internet! All that metal!!!
Albania - she must have been dying with the heat from that velvet!!
Hungary - I HAVE THAT!!! In a tablecloth.
Slovak - "There will be a BBQ at 12 Oaks tonight!"
Serbia - I didnt know there were gonna be strippers on stage...
Bolivia - Again with THE SHOES!!!!
Italy - in the photo she looks heavier than she probably is.
SWEDEN MY FAVORITE!!!! I love something different and that fabric is great! How many times can we see sequins before it just cant and shouldn't be done anymore???

seg berei said...

The irony is still Japan was in top 15 ...
It was very poor choice of judges.
Some of deserving candidates could even make up to top 15 despite of performing well in preliminary round.

Miss Universe 2015 was really unfair...The worst part was voting system which generally creates inequality in terms of regionism.

Zacharias said...

Thanks for the comment on miss Sweden it was me and my friend who did the paintjobb it was inspired by my grandmothers traditional costume from Dala-floda a small village in the middle of Sweden. it was a fun opportunity and if you need some more info let me know ;)