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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Banana Republic Rockefeller Center "Project Runway" Window

Banana Republic Rockefeller Center
'Project Runway' Window

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4 Responses to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Banana Republic Rockefeller Center "Project Runway" Window"

AJ said...

Oh how fun! It must feel insanely amazing to have your work displayed like that!

And the assymmetrical hem on the Barbie dress is flawless. Nick, you were meant to be doing this!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Love your clothes!!!! Whose is the borwnish dress in the back with the squared neckline? Anything we should know here?

Anonymous said...


I am so saddened by your loss this evening. I am truly disappointed. I think "reality tv" and the nature to "create" drama for future episodes got one of the best ... you! What reason do I have to watch the remaining shows of the season?! You have a great personality, a great eye, good character, and I look forward to seeing more of your work and learning/hearing about your future success. I say, "Bravo!" to you. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that i loved the Barbie dress u made that I just had to get the Barbie and it sits on my dresser and i look at it every day and you are my favorite designer!