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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Cast of Season 2 Project Runway on "The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch"

By now most of you know this information, but just in case anyone missed it, most all the cast of Project Runway 2 will appear on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch tonight on CNBC at 10pm and 1am est. For all the west-coasters, it should air at 7pm and 10pm.
Joining us will be Jay McCarroll, Tim Gunn and Nina Garcia. Should be a fun time! I'll try to update soon!

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37 Responses to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Cast of Season 2 Project Runway on "The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch" "

Anonymous said...

nick, marry me?

Kaia said...

Can you stand Jay McCarroll - his arrogance is mind-boggling!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great show! Can't wait to watch
Mucho amor y felicidad a usted

Anonymous said...

Nick, I am like so in love with you! You are by far the most amazing, talented and wonderful person ever! If I ever get enough cash, I'm so buying your whole collection;-). Also, what happened to your email address...? Can't wait to see you on the show! Absolutely staying up till 1! MWAH!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Guadalupe will be there after her outbursts on the reunion episode!

Bonnie said...

I am sooo excited to see this! Looks like it's going to be a fun segment!

Anonymous said...

hey nick!! i was there today at the taping..i was the girl who you signed the barbie doll box for! you were sooooo sweet!!!!! thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me a bit!!! you rock!!!! i would love to hear from you!!!! maybe e-mail me..or send me a message on my myspace?? (my username is caliat02) it would mean a lot to me!!!

o and i <33 you!!!!!
ok bye now :-D

Anonymous said...

hey nick!! i was there today at the taping..i was the girl who you signed the barbie doll box for! you were sooooo sweet!!!!! thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me a bit!!! you rock!!!! i would love to hear from you!!!! maybe e-mail me..or send me a message on my myspace?? (my username is caliat02) it would mean a lot to me!!!

o and i <33 you!!!!!
ok bye now :-D

Anonymous said...

I'm Cait...anyway, I've had that little musical stuck in my head all day today, but mostly just your part where you're singing, "Kara, the over locking downer"...or at least, that's what I THINK your saying. Am I right?

Amy said...

sadness! Nick, I think I heard you say about 3 words total the entire show. I thought there'd be a little more talking by all the Project Runway people, and less Donny Deutsch talking... or commercials. :)

I'm going to be going through major Project Runway withdrawal once the finale airs, so please please please Nick, keep us updated with lots of great news from your world!

Anonymous said...

Nick!!!! You weren't on nearly enough!!!!! (hugs)

Anonymous said...


Why you gay?...........

Marry ME!!!!!!!!!!!

(wiping the drool off the floor!) :)

Did you see your girls for sale on Ebay? The dolls are selling well there!

Anonymous said...

The Big Idea was a big letdown. It was like the PR Reunion show all over again, except this time with some annoying straight info-mercial host. Every time you guys would try to talk about anything, he'd cut you off and go to commercial. I was way more interested in hearing y'all discuss your experience than some lame re-runway.

Anonymous said...

Nick, you were great on the show, except we HARDLY got to hear your loovely voice. Hehe. You should deffinitly have the Nick Verreos show, just commenting on fashion and showing your faithful fans (us!!) a few tips. Also, you know what Jay said about being nice to your fans? Well, you are amazing to us. I've seen Santino's blog and (even though he does share his email adddress with us.... hint hint) yours is a TRILLION times better and more interactive. Also, I've had the Project Musical "soundtrack" stuck in my head for days. Was that a lot of fun, or more stress-relieving? I LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

Donny Douche was annoying. Where was Heidi? The promos stated she was going to be on it.

BellaKarma said...

Hey Nick - you looked so classy and even a bit sheepish - last night. Glad to see that the instant fame hasn't gone to your head. Daniel V. had a cool confidence vibe going on - makes me think he's the winner. ;-)

jm said...

Hi Nick! I'm happy I found your blog, you are great! I thought you would jump in yesterday when the "was it hard growing up wanting to be a designer" question came up, w/your Greek diplomat dad story. But I guess even if you had, that Donny guy would've totally cut you off like he did everyone else. Anyhow, I've gotten all my friends hooked on PR and you, and we will definitely be on the lookout for Nick News. XOXO!

beaslma said...

I love jay, almost more than Nick, Jay is just soo jay, there's nothing left on the table with him. I like that about him, I was thrilled he won, did you guys know when he won he didn't take the prize money from Project Runway, he wanted to "make it on his own" now that's determination, or stupidity, I’m not sure which :-) ha!

alexsander said...

cool, will be watching later :P , u rock Nick!!!

Anonymous said...


So sorry about the Donny D show -- what a disappointment. Hadn't even HEARD of Donny D before I saw that he was hosting all of you, and I won't be watching his show again! It would have been nice to actually HEAR from all of you, without interruption.

Anyway, tonight's finale will be a little sad -- my extended posse in SF and around the country still wish you were in the final 3. To us, you are and always will be the winner of PR-2.

Dennis in SF

Anonymous said...

Nick... have you read all the comments you have generated throughout the internet/media??? People just love, love, love you!
You're wonderful... I wish you all the best in everything you do. You truly are a gentleman and classy human.
Take care of yourself!!! Hope to see tons of you in the future!

Anonymous said...

Nick, the dress you made with Daniel on the Finale was so darling!!! very very beautiful and classy.

very nice work!!!

you're an amazing designer!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so how can I distinguish myself enough to make you just want to know more?

First, I'm a gay guy!

Second, I'm single.

Third, I'm . . . .

O-Ren said...

Nick, the fact that the dress you helped design got the most praise really says something ;) And 80% of people voted for you to be part of the final three! Exciting ^^ I was excited to see you designing on the show again, that's for sure :)

Congrats to everyone this season! Each of you will go far, and I definitely look forward to buying collections from Nick Verreos and Chloe Dao in the future! ;)

Anonymous said...

thank you for being so inspirational to a young design student (costume design, but all the same...) like many, i cried when you were eliminated, but i continue to be inspired by your work and your charisma. i realize that i'm not telling you anything you don't already know about yourself, but you're amazing, and i wish that i were blessed to have such a talented professor like yourself!

always a fan, and can't wait to get my tax refund so i can buy your barbie,


Anonymous said...

Nick! Love you and Daniel V. You guys make a great team. You did a fab job with the 13th outfit. Love you to pieces. So excited for everything else that'll involve you.

Anonymous said...

You missed out on a great FIDM debut fashion show! :(

Anonymous said...

Oh my God I just have to say that you were the most fabulous person on Project Runway! OK remember when you designed that one dress in the inspiration challenge and I think it was Jay said something like, "How did Paris Hilton's boyfriend get dragged into this?" I almost DIED because I LOVED that Paris Hilton's boyfriend was in your inspiration! I always thought you had the BEST stories in your vision! You were just the nicest, funniest person on that show! And I swear to God if I EVER need anything designed I am going to get you to do it! Oh, and last but not least you were DEFINITELY the hottest guy in the cast! If I was judging you woulda won just for that alone LOL So are you throwing up from people gushing about you yet? Keep up the good work!

Lothian said...

I watched the show, and it would have been great if DD would have let anyone finish a dang sentence. Geez! What an idiot.

You looked Fab-u-lous by the way!!

Anonymous said...

Love Nick. Hope you stay in the public eye. Wish you could have been a finalist.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick. Michael here, just want to say that I absolutley loved you on Project Runway. You have turned me into a reality show junkie. Have you had any offers to do any other shows?

Do you ever come to Minneapolis? There is a big fun gay scene here. I would love to show you around.

Anonymous said...

I loved that you were in the final show. That dress was beautiful! I don't think Daniel could have finished all that needed to be addressed with his collection without your support.

You are just awesome!


katiecoo said...

Hi Nick,

I think you will always be known for saving Daniel V's line with that last dress.

I loved watching you on PR and only wish you'd made it to the final 3. You made some gorgeous designs.

Now I'm going to catch up on your adventures in Torino..I had no idea!

Best of everything and I hope you keep adding designs on your blog for purchase!


The Gal Who Grew-Up on Port Hueneme Beaches said...

Hi Nick,

I'm an absolute fan of your designs & also ultimately, you just came across as a "decent" human being on the show & not some carciture of something...stay true to yourself...know that your talent is truly a blessing & we all can't wait to see what designs you will create in the near future!

You were my absolute fave to win the entire thing but alas, a TV reality show is not all of life - you have so much more ahead of you & I think you're one to watch in the future...

Much success & luck to you - when I make enough ducets from my city service job - if I ever get a chance to buy one of your dresses - I will surely by it in a "hot" minute!

Take care & much warmth,

katiecoo said...

I'm watching reruns today of PR.

"Do not go out like Zulema"

You didn't. I still can't believe she stole your muse Tara, then got eliminated and Tara with her.

Bad karma.

I loved how you kept demonstrating your models as your muse. From Day One. She knew this and was trying to disarm you in my opinion. Because she knew you were stronger than her in the competition.

That's how I took it. You stood tall throughout.

sarchy said...
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sarchy said...

hey nick! i love u! do u have a mail!? send it on my mail: ! thx! love yaa!!!