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NICK HOSTS.....Nick Verreos at "Project Fashion", The Shop at Las Americas


PROJECT FASHION An Evening Celebrating Fashion with Nick Verreos OK all you SoCal'ers! Come join me in San Diego this weekend for a great event being held at The Shops at Las Americas. I will be the host of a Fashion Show featuring designs from the students at Fashion Career College and will be doing a Meet and Greet prior to the event. PLUS.... they are giving away some great prizes including an all expenses paid trip to New York for the Project Runway Finale!!!

4PM Meet and Greet with Nick
5PM Fashion Show
Come by and say Hi!, it should be alot of fun!

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11 Responses to "NICK HOSTS.....Nick Verreos at "Project Fashion", The Shop at Las Americas "

Anonymous said...

i don't live in the USA.


Love you Nick =P


Kisses, Carol, Brazil

Anonymous said...

*sighs* The pleasure of living in Western New York. Though I will be in NYC on the 27th and 28th of September...plan something hehe!
Love Ashley

Anonymous said...

Aww man... I live in San Diego and would totally go, but my birthday dinner is at the same time. :(

Come back to SD soon! :D

Anonymous said...

2 bad i can't make it. Wish I lived in NYC or CA.

Anonymous said...

You're my favorite, Nick!!!

Come to Asia!!!

Yoonie said...

Hi Nick. I think you're a wonderful person and definitely my favourite! Malaysia just finished viewing Project Runway 2 and we love your designs and you're an incredible friend!

Lots of love from Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

I plan to be there!!!
I just can't wait to see you!
I am so excited!!!
I will be there extra early to make sure i get to meet you!
I'm actually getting ready right now =D
=)hopefully you can sign my paper bag!
well anyhow...
take care and ov corpse don't die,

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick :)
Just wanted to say that I think you are an amazing designer and just absolutely adorable! When I’m rich and famous I’ll ask you to design a dress for me ;)

Guðrún Eik, Iceland

Anonymous said...

Nick, I just finished watching you win the Barbie challenge on my DVD. You were my favorite!!!! My friend called and said the doll was in Toys R Us in NYC (I'm sure it's been there for a while!!). That must be so exciting or you and your family! Even though it's a little late, but still, congrats on a great run!

And I wish I lived near San Diego!!!!

- Allie, NJ

andreita said...

love it!!! man u rocks!!

love from ecuador!!

Anonymous said...

Hi nick
I'm Korean!

I can't English very well:(

I love you nick ;-) !!!!
Your clothes are beautiful!