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FASHION MOVIE REPORT.....Valentino: The Last Emperor TRAILER

Divinonisisimo!!!!!I had heard rumblings of a "Valentino Documentary" and I just shrugged it off as talk amongst drunk fashionable gays...but kiddies, just today I stumbled upon the Trailer to the movie, "Valentino: The Last Emperor" and to steal one of Rachel Zoe's lines, all I wanted to scream was "I Die!" The over two minutes trailer is KRAZEE GOOD (especially the end) and I just about got up from my couch and threw on my Burberry trench coat to reach for my car keys to go see it IMMEDIATELY! Unfortunately, it doesn't open until the 18Th of this month and only in New York (of course). Then it travels West to Chicago and opens there on the 27Th. Us Angelenos will have to wait until April 3rd to see the film. Click Below for the trailer which gave me fashion goosebumps!

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