I was immediately greeted by the incomparable Trudy Noren, FIDM College Representative and Coordinator of the Three Days Of Fashion, San Francisco and Barbara Cupper, Director of FIDM San Francisco. They both looked tres chic in their fitted shift dresses-- so chic, that I had to get a photo! They posed in front of one of the fabulous"Newspaper Dresses" made by FIDM San Francisco Visual Communications Department students for the 4th Annual San Francisco Discarded To Divine fashion show and auction.
Give me a Look: model Rachael Sitz poses as we fit my NIKOLAKI gowns backstage
Soon, I was introduced to "my SF Model", the gorgeous Rachael Sitz, from the Look Modeling Agency. I brought some of my NIKOLAKI gowns from LA, just for the SF "Three Days Of Fashion" (in case you're wondering, the FAA security did ask me if I was doing a Drag Performance when they inspected the garment bag!!).
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» FIDM.....FIDM San Francisco 3 Days of Fashion 2009: RECAP
FIDM.....FIDM San Francisco 3 Days of Fashion 2009: RECAP
A fashion show contest, NIKOLAKI gowns, Heidi Klum's Dress, and a Prom Date...
My ten hours in San Francisco!!!
Photo Op: Nick Verreos at the FIDM SF "3 Days of Fashion"
Yesterday, at 10 AM, I boarded a United Airlines plane from LAX and arrived an hour later in one of my favorite cities in the world: San Francisco!! I was there for my whirlwind stop-and-go visit to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising/FIDM San Francisco. I was there to do their "Three Days of Fashion". I grew up in the Bay Area, just fifteen miles south of San Francisco, so that city has always had a special place in my heart. It really is the city that "fed" my love for fashion. I remember all the times my mom would take me to I. Magnin for an Oscar de la Renta in-store appearance or trunk show, my once-a-month Union Square shopping trips to the Men's Store at Macy's, seeing an Yves Saint Laurent Tribute Fashion Show at the War Memorial Opera House...
My other Sister: Nick Verreos with Didi Simon, FIDM SF "3 Days of Fashion"
Needless to say, I always love coming to San Francisco. One of my dearest of friends, Didi Simon, whom I've known for over 20 years (I know!), picked me up and was with me the entire day. I absolutely adore her! After a quick delicious brunch at JoAnn's Cafe in South San Francisco, we headed straight to "The City" and the FIDM Campus.
Divas and Newspaper Couture: Barbara Cupper and Trudy Noren pose with one of the FIDM Discarded to Divine creations
Work It! The winner of the SF "Three Days Of Fashion" fashion show/styling contest (look at my reaction to his FIERCE walk!)
After a brief Project Runway-inspired FIDM Three Days Of Fashion fashion show and contest--where students styled other students and we all picked the best "ensemble" and model, I spoke to all the high school students about my "fashion" experience, including how I ended up on Project Runway, as well as gave them a little bit of sound advice (I hope). The highlight of my visit, however, was the mini NIKOLAKI fashion show, of course.
Heidi=Rachael: SF Model Rachael Sitz models the "Heidi Dress", SF "3 Days of Fashion"
Rachael modeled four of my gowns--including the "Heidi Klum Dress" (which she wore on the Conan O'Brien Show)-- to the sheer delight of the students. She was absolutely a DREAM! I had never met her but, she not only fit perfectly into all my Gowns and dresses, she modeled them with the serene grace and professionalism of any top Supermodel!
Turquoise Rachael: Nick Verreos and model Rachael Sitz in NIKOLAKI gown
To cap my time in SF, I signed lots of Three Days of Fashion diplomas and took lots of photos and, along with the entire FIDM SF Three Days of Fashion staff, I headed to the Four Seasons for some "Happy Hour" cocktails. Before I could say "I Love FIDM SF", I had to grab my dresses and get Didi to take me to SFO so I could make my 8 PM flight back to LA.
Get In Line: Nick Verreos signing and taking photos in San Francisco
Thank you to everyone--especially Trudy and Courtney for taking all the great photos and Michelle, for being the best "wrangler" I could ever ask for. I can't wait to come back---and I hope that one of these high school students that I met had their own "Oscar de la Renta/I. Magnin moment" that I had when I was their age!
Click HERE for a great blog titled Le Garcon Avec le Sourire, from Rhyan, a fabulous fashionista to end all seventeen year old fashionistas--I even promised him a "prom date"! (he's the guy with the black hat in the photo above)
4 Responses to "FIDM.....FIDM San Francisco 3 Days of Fashion 2009: RECAP"
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwww! Thank you! And thanks for posting a link to my blog on your site! I really like your blog. Have fun in Europe! (so jealous haha)
Hi, I follow your blog and have done so for... the longest and umm I came across a picture of you on the WSJ article saying that the LA Fashion Week was pretty much coming up on its demise. The picture has a caption saying that you are one of the people trying to revive Fashion Week and so I looked for a blog from you about it, and couldn't find one. I really don't know a better place to post the comment but I was wondering about your views on the situation because I'm blogging about it at www.poshmag.tk. I'm researching the subject and just wanted some insight.
Btw I LOVE your blog and will read it whether you respond or not hahaha!
You can email me at markese91@yahoo.com
Thank you Nick for posting so many photos and great coverage of the SF 3DF event. I was very pleased to be your resident photographer.
Bon voyage!
Hola Nick, i´m a big fan of you. I love you. You´re really hot and sweet. Kisses!!!
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