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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Season 8 Project Runway Recaps: Episode 11

80's Biker Shorts, The Lion King Zebras, Thanksgiving Turkeys, Wendy Pepper 2.0 and Topstick...Yep, It's Project Runwaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!
Let's Get Physical: Olivia Newton John and Sue Sylvester on "Glee"...and some sexy 80s Bicycle Short-clad boys
Helloooooooo ! (say it with the Heidi Klum accent!)--Yes, Season 8 Project Runway is just about in it's last episodes before it is decided Who. Will. Be. America's Next...Top Fashion Designer! Last Thursday's Episode and Challenge revolved around "Active Wear". Specifically, designing looks for...
Heidi Klum's new line for New Balance to be sold exclusively at This was supposed to be the centerpiece of the episode. However, as things sometimes turn out on Project Runway, that was just an excuse to get the "Mean Girls" back and get the Drama simmerin' again...since of course we (and in "we" I don't mean ME!) love the DRAMA!
The Lowlights and Highlights: --Ivy Equals Wendy Pepper 2.0
Ivy Higa returns as the Leader of Season 8's "Mean Girls" (along with 3/4 of the cast), accusing Michael Costello (of course) of cheating and sabotage...Well, if anyone is sabotaging it's Miss Ivy. She took this entire Episode away from everyone else: I forgot WHAT the Challenge was about and that it had anything to do with Heidi, New Balance OR! So, I think we can make it official: Ivy is the new...
Wendy Pepper. Congrats!
--Thanksgiving Day Turkey Work Out Gear?
During this episode, the bitter "Mean Girls" Designers who were brought back to "help" kept making fun of what Michael Costello was creating for Heidi and her new line, saying it reminded them of something from a "Thanksgiving Day Turkey Parade". I actually thought they were cute...Just to remind people THIS...
Is what a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Design actually looks like! Thank you very much :) --Topstick/Toupee Tape/Double-stick Tape was the new Season 8 Cast Member
Continuing on the "Mean Girls" and accusations...Miss Ivy accused Michael C. of using double stick tape on his dress for the "Jackie Kennedy Challenge". I didn't realize that using Topstick was against the rules. Why is Topstick against the rules but using glue, glue stick and staples NOT? Read my Blog to see what I think of all that.
--Bicycle Shorts Are BAAACK Y'all!
Yep, Gretchen had a pair of bicycle shorts in her "Heidi Klum for New Balance" looks-they were asymmetrical and black and none of the judges thought they were cute. I would have liked them if they looked more like the ones above--thong and all! At least, I would have given her credit for being kitschy and campy!
--The Best & Not So Good
I actually liked Mondo's group-he stuck to the color story for Heidi's New Balance line, it looked wearable as well as directional; very Alexander Wang Barney's CoOp. And of course, those geometric headbands were oh-so-editorial! Even though he was being kind of a you-know-what to Heidi, he should have won...again!
I wasn't a fan of Andy's active wear looks though. Michael Kors and Heidi K just LOOOOVED it! I didn't get it. Nina Garcia did say they looked "a bit" Halloween-y. On closer inspection, they also reminded me of this:
The "Lion King" Zebra costumes! There's an inspiration: The Zebras from Lion King-Inspired Active Wear by Andy South! Love it!
But it was "Cutie Christopher" who was sent home--when I saw those weird proportions, twisting inseams, crazy styling (Wedge heels??Really???) and even crazier slits placed in the most WRONG places, I knew it was going to be his time. Michael Kors was right, they did look rather "Retirement Home Pajama Party". Christopher's girls were on their way to play Mahjong and then meet their girlfriends for some Bloody Mary' opposed to go to their next Bikram Yoga appointment.
Even this lovely lady looks more fashionable than any of Christopher's models...
Oh well, with that, we (and when I say "we", I mean "I") give you a smooch on the cheek for being CUTE and for designing for the "Older Clientele"...they are sometimes forgotten on Project Runway.
Here's a Sneak Peak of my latest Blog Recap of Episode 11 for Lies, Losers and a Tale of Double-Stick Tape Oh Lordy: I just knew that after a solemn and genuinely emotional TEARJERKER of an episode — and I would be remiss not to mention HOW TIMELY it was with all these sad gay suicides occurring in our country — that it would be followed by DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA! I'm not talking the good, Joan Crawford, DIVA kind. I'm talking about the silly, bitchy, bitter kind. Yep, it seems that the producers saw the drama fading away as soon as the "mean girls" were eliminated, and thought to themselves, "Hmmm, how can we recapture that Jersey Shore level of fighting again?! I know! Let's bring back the bitter, angry eliminated designers! Yeah! Problem solved!" But I digress … let's start from the top........ To Read The ENTIRE Recap Click HERE

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