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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Wall Street Journal Article featuring Photo of Tim Gunn, Nick Verreos

Nick and Tim...Make a "cameo" in the Wall Street Journal A very good friend of mine was reading today's edition of the Wall Street Journal and she emailed me saying "Did you see the WSJ today? There's a photo of you and Tim Gunn?" Well, of course, I was intrigued. I asked what was the article about? She said it was regarding The Weinstein Co. and how the Weinstein's are "Tapping into TV" and of course, mentioning a little ol' show called Project Runway. I went online (the new way of reading the newspaper n'est pas?) and yes, there it was, the article and a little photo of Tim Gunn and I circa Season 2 back in (I'm not naming the year kids!) (see left). Fun times...I remember him coming to my table discussing the challenge as if it was yesterday. And yes, I still have that blue plaid Western Shirt; it's packed in my "Project Runway Archive Suitcase", in case you are wondering... Below is the Wall Street Journal article:
By Lauren A. E. Schuker
The Weinstein brothers are making a renewed play for the small screen.
Harvey and Bob Weinstein are among several Hollywood movie makers ramping up television production this year, with 15 shows in development and a commitment to spend more than $10 million per year on the initiative.
The move signals a comeback of sorts for Weinstein Co., which underwent a major debt restructuring this past summer after producing a string of movies that flopped at the box office and depleted much of the $1.2 billion they raised to start the company in 2005. The restructuring, aimed at placing the studio on firmer financial footing, transferred partial control of its movie library to Goldman Sachs Group.
On the left is another fun photo I found--in my photo archives--of Monsieur Gunn and I--from "back in the day"...
To read the entire article click HERE.

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