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Uncle Nick and Casia So many people have asked about my Niece and how she has responded to the My Scene Barbie episode. Well, as you can imagine, she has been absolutely thrilled about the whole thing and is a celebrity in her 1st grade class! Just over Christmas vacation, I got to take a little bit of time off, and visited my niece, and just to see her face light up when she received me at the airport made me feel like I could just go straight to Heaven now!!! All she kept saying was "I know what's in THAT suitcase...." Unfortunately I didn't actually have the produced Barbie yet, so I had to tell her, sadly , that she would be getting it soon enough. She was a good sport about the whole thing and eagerly awaits the Barbie custom-designed just for her! She is turning in to quite the young designer herself. She's already drawing her own fashion sketches. One design she sent me in the mail is 5 feet tall!! Atta Girl!!

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17 Responses to " "

LauraK said...

Wow Nick! Am I the first to comment on your blog? Casia is precious. I HOPE we'll be meeting her at Fashion Week. Now, get back to sewing!

AJ said...

That's the sweetest picture I have ever seen :)

Casia has a right to be thrilled, you are a brilliant designer. Everything on PR has been stunning and the line from Smashbox Fashion Week is fabulous!

Congrats on the Barbie design and on the show...can't wait to see what else is in store!

Ang said...

Cute kid, cute uncle!

I agree with everything everyone has said - I'm always excited to watch PR and see what you've come up with each week. Beautiful, interesting, well-done work. Yay! We're pulling for you, Nick!

christopher.john said...

Casia is ADORABLE! Please visit i am quite the designer myself!

itsolivia said...

nick, i just have to say how great that challenge was and you completely stood out.

i had to work on the original myscene website years ago, and hilariously enough, did the fashion watercolors for Chelsea, the hot fashion designer wannabe of those dolls. you would hate her designs. haha.

good luck and we are all rooting for you. class act all the way!

Alex H. said...

Bravo Nikolaki!

Elpizo oti esy tha vyeis o nikitis!

Hawkwild said...

That's an adorable picture. Congratulations on winning that challenge (and on doing so well on the show so far). You're my favorite.

Heck yeah you're gonna win this!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Nick,
I didn't think I would be a huge PR fan. That is until I saw you and Daniel V. Love ya'll. I know ya'll will be in the final three. Good Luck!

Bonnie said...

Your niece is such a cutie!
Isn't it great being the hero in the family thanks to your Barbie challenge!

Working for Lucasfilm, I tend to be the fun Auntie Mame of the family with my nephews all thinking I work for Darth Vader. It didn't help when I had my coworker do a Wookiee growl on the phone for them.

Anyway, I love your stuff on the show and look forward to seeing more from you! ;-)

Scott W said...

damn, you are HOT!

Anonymous said...

Great story, and it is amazing that your niece has such a creative uncle to teach and guide her. also, it is great that someone so close to you get to enjoy the 'fruits of you labor' from the Barbie challenge. I bet it will be amazing to see her playing with it and telling everyone my uncle made this Barbie's outfit.

Anonymous said...

um, that is about the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Oh QUE LINDO! She is adorable!

Anonymous said...

hun, you got robbed tonight, many people are saying that they refuse to watch the show any longer, don't believe me? check out Bravo's site.... My roomates and I think that Hedi needs to calm her hormones down or not judge until the baby is born...on a lighter note, we can't wait until I get your doll!!!

Anonymous said...

Nick - You (and your family) should be so proud of all you showed on PR. Though cut, you were honorable in your work, and didn't outright LIE the way Santino did. You made us laugh with your ethnic comments (chicle'), and you reminded us of our favorite uncles, too! Would love to see more of your work - - success is just around the corner for you.

Anonymous said...

CASIA! wow i was near to tears when u won the barbie s and bk of your niece!! and she s here so sweet, u have a heart of a lion man, impossible, i can t continue posting bk i ll repeat ell time the same, lol, u r passion and thats the key!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick!! I am fourteen and a huge fan of yours! I watched Project Runway and you were immediately my favorite! You totally should have won. I know I'm only fourteen, but is there any way that you could design something for me? Thank you if you can!!! Love ya!!
- Stephanie

P.S: Your niece Casia reminds me of my baby cousin. She is so cute and sweet! Have fun with her!!