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WHO WORE WHAT?.....Nick Verreos Wears Necklace by Jessica Elliot


Jessica makes amazing pieces of jewelry and the night of my premiere party for Project Runway 2, she gave me this razorblade necklace. I love it and have been wearing it constantly ever since December! I always get compliments on it so I thought I would post it here. Visit Jessica's website at: She does amazing pieces for women and has a shopping cart on her website. We are working on a project together as we speak and I will post more about that next week.

4 Responses to "WHO WORE WHAT?.....Nick Verreos Wears Necklace by Jessica Elliot"

Anonymous said...

i got a necklace like that from the philippines a few years ago. people constantly ask me if the razorblade is real :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I thought people that wore that necklace advertised that they did blow. My bad.

Anonymous said...

She has some really nice stuff. And I'm happy to see that her jewelry is available in stores throughout the New York area. I can't wait to hear about your project together.


chuku said...

You know, there are a lot of jokes that could be made from the comment about the necklace advertising that someone likes to do blow...
think about it.

Anyway, maybe if you were at studio 54 in 1977 it would scream "Hi I'm a dope fiend", but I don't think that's the case now.
Today it means that you're into self mutilation.
Just kidding!!!

Thanks for the updates Nick.
Be well!!