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NICK APPEARANCES.....Uncle Nick Gettin' Jiggy

Did everyone see this posting from Blogging Project Runway?! I nearly spit up my eggnog laughing at these! Click HERE to see me as a dancing elf and even do that infamous Roger Rabbit Dance that I spoke of HERE!

Click HERE to go to BPR for the original posting where you can also see Andrae, Daniel Franco and yes, even Tim Gunn as Dancing Elves!

I will Be in San Antonio, TX for Christmas with the family and then NYC for New Years!

Thanks to everyone for all the love shown to me this year (can you believe it has just been one year since PR2?), it has been truly amazing and I continue to be humbled by all the support and encouragement shown to me. Feliz Navidad!!

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6 Responses to "NICK APPEARANCES.....Uncle Nick Gettin' Jiggy"

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Nick!!!

hahaha dancing elf!! love it.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Nick!! Always fun to learn what you're up to. Success to you in the New Year!

Parisjasmal said...

Happy Holidays and safe travels!

Blogging Project Runway totally cracks me up!


Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays Nick!!!
teach me how to dress like you XD(post where to buy clothes etc)
your fan

Anonymous said...

Hey nick! Happy Happy Holidays! :)

Hope you're having a great time with your family. Eat, drink and be merry!

Anonymous said...

hey Nick! I saw you in San Antonio!
You were in one of the popular stores called Dots, with a lady and a little girl. At the time I was too taken back to say anything to you, but I was the little girl looking at clothes and staring wide eyed at you, lol. You probably don't remember me, but I DO remember you! Happy New Years and good luck, you were my favorite!!