Or so they say. Two months ago, (my Birthday was February 13th) I held a very "special" Birthday Bash/Housewarming at my brand new Downtown Los Angeles Loft/Studio. I invited all my friends and then some. In all, we had about 200 RSVP'ed, which had me a bit worried about a 1700 sq. ft. space holding all those people. I was waiting for the fire truck, with some hot L.A. Firemen to all of a sudden pull up in front of my studio. Alas, they never did. I hired the cutest bartenders to handle the bar ,

The party turned out to be a success (at least that is what my friends told me days later when I inquired if they had fun or not). Unfortunately, because it got so crazy and packed so quickly, somehow amongst the fun, both David and myself forgot to take out the digital camera from the study drawer, in order to capture the whole celebration. Two of my friends , were smart enough to have brought cameras and began shooting away. Muchas gracias to Miguel Angel Reyes and Didi Simon for being my "official photographers".
They captured some of the guests in party mode, including my Diva model, Amara Wilson, giving you French Caribbean Chanteuse with a red carnation in her hair. Looking fabulous was my old friend, Yo, looking 1940's Working Girl, wearing a fierce snood.

3 Responses to "Nick's Birthday Bash!!!"
Hi there Nick...how are you? Hope you're doing well on every aspect of your life...
I just came here to tell you something, maybe it will sound strange but I don't really have anybody to talk to about this things so: What I came to tell is that I just broke-up with my boyfriend and it just feels terrible, we had so much fantastic moments but some days ago we began fighting and we hurt each other feelings really bad to a point where we couldn't return to the relation we had once... I still love that man but there's nothing I can do now.. I owe him so much, he's the only one who knows I'm gay and because of him I accepted and began feeling proud of what I'm because I was in such a denial, but now it's over... The worst thing is that I still have to see him each day at college, we both study psychology and everytime I see him I just get this thing in my throat, it's terrible... I just don't have anybody to talk to about this anymore because, as I said before, he's the only one who knows I'm gay because I'm so afraid of telling others because of them judging me and also what would I do if my parents got to know by accident? I can't risk so much... Sorry I wrote this melancholic comment but, I just wanted somebody to read it, you don't even have to accept it if you don't want to... Thank you for reaching this point now, it's such an honor...
Desde Honduras
Tu fan latino
Hey Mr. Verreos, I met your friend Amanda through a friend this weekend. I always remember you talking about her in class. She was a sweetheart.
-Lil Asian girl that made some crazy jeans 2 quarters ago.
Hi Nick! We wish you all the best and loved you on Project Runway! We are always looking for you in mags and on the tube. Good luck on all future endeavors!
Your admirers in PA
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