Her hair, though, was good.
What did you guys think? Let me know and leave your comments here of course :)
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4 Responses to "WHO WORE WHAT?.....85th Annual Academy Awards: Anne Hathaway in Custom Prada"
Ur so right about the darts. When I first saw I thought "prom".. I have to add one thing, the necklace wasnt necessary!
ΙI didnt like the dress, no colour at all.,and, I did not like
her hair either
Considering who she is and what was at stake, this was easily the biggest #FAIL of the evening. It was a last minute decision apparently to switch away from the Valentino. Did she go against Rachel Zoe's recommendation?
Bad call, Anne!
Did anyone else see the back? It looked like a completely different dress and not a better one. I really didn't like this one.
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