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WHO WORE WHAT?.....85th Annual Academy Awards: Anne Hathaway in Custom Prada

Anne Hathaway in Custom Prada: Yawn. Oh, sorry I spoke with my "Nick Loud Voice". This light pink Duchesse satin gown was a bore to me. Honestly., I expected more. I expected Fierce and Fabulous Valentino, or something!To me, this was a #Fail. It had no real interest as a gown and the darts at the bust fit oddly. This looked like something a second-year Fashion School student can make. Just sayin'...

 Her hair, though, was good.

What did you guys think? Let me know and leave your comments here of course :)

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4 Responses to "WHO WORE WHAT?.....85th Annual Academy Awards: Anne Hathaway in Custom Prada"

AdryRomán said...

Ur so right about the darts. When I first saw I thought "prom".. I have to add one thing, the necklace wasnt necessary!

Anonymous said...

ΙI didnt like the dress, no colour at all.,and, I did not like
her hair either

Tbone said...

Considering who she is and what was at stake, this was easily the biggest #FAIL of the evening. It was a last minute decision apparently to switch away from the Valentino. Did she go against Rachel Zoe's recommendation?

Bad call, Anne!

Nells said...

Did anyone else see the back? It looked like a completely different dress and not a better one. I really didn't like this one.