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WHO WORE WHAT?.....87th Annual Academy Awards: Lupita Nyong'o in Custom Calvin Klein

Lupita Nyong'o in Custom Calvin Klein--2015 Academy Awards

Everyone was waiting with baited breath on what fashion muse Lupita Nyong'o would wear. Especially after the beautiful chiffon Custom Prada gown she wore at last year's Academy Awards when she won her Oscar statuesque for Best Supporting Actress. Well, she wore this Custom Calvin Klein Collection designed by Francisco Costa. The gown featured 6,000 pearls hand sewn onto this gown. I'll be honest: I didn't like it...

The gown looks a bit bulky and heavy to me. I don't like the heaviness at the shoulders and it looks more like a costume. On a good note, the ivory color looks great against Lupita's skin color. And her makeup looks gorgeous. But that's about it...

And once again, I had to scratch my head when I heard that this was Calvin Klein Collection because once again, this has NOTHING to do with what Francisco Costa is designing for the brand. File under :I don't get it. But oh well...

And yes, in case you're wondering what Calvin Klein Collection designs look like, here you go:
 Calvin Klein Collection Fall 2015

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1 Response to "WHO WORE WHAT?.....87th Annual Academy Awards: Lupita Nyong'o in Custom Calvin Klein"

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Nick! I cant take it any more. last year Lupita took the red carpets to a new hieght. Every apprance she made was truly spectacular every thing was tailored to perfection. We saw so many drop dead gorgeous dresses last award season. she new how to make a statment. Now she still looks great but nothing really stands out any more. Also this dress is ok for me I think the collar looks reallly heavy and they should have used smaller pearls.