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PROJECT RUNWAY.....Project Runway The Inside Dish on and

Only on Project Runway: The Inside Dish! Designer and Runway alum Nick Verreos gives his weekly insider's view on the Emmy-nominated show Wow! That was quite an episode last night. Be sure to read all my commentary by checking out my blog HERE or go to and read it HERE

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3 Responses to "PROJECT RUNWAY.....Project Runway The Inside Dish on and"

andreita said...

=) love it

Anonymous said...

Love this week's recap blog. It made me giggle, especially your affectionate comments about Tim. Seeing him sitting on the floor was so strange but funny somehow. It only adds more reasons to love him. And your recaps only add to reasons to love YOU!

Kaia said...

Nick - not sure how to get ahold of you otherwise. I'm chairing a huge gala opening of the fashion and costume exhibit for an amazing fashion designer/icon in February. I'm wondering if you're open for a consult regarding having a fierce gown made.

I can be reached via the following email:

I certainly hope to hear from you.

All the best - K