It's Week Seven on this season of Lifetime's "Project Runway" and time for my next installment of my "Top 5 OMG Moments" Video as well as my Recap of the week. This past week's episode involved a fun trip to Universal Resorts Orlando and a Streetwear Challenge...
Click below to watch my Top 5 OMG Moments for "Project Runway" Episode 7 on YouTube:
Here are my Top 5 "OMG Moments" of this past week's "Project Runway":
#1....OMG! Time For A Trip! In the Beginning of the episode, Heidi announced that she was sending the designers on a trip! They were all going to Universal Orlando Resorts! While the designers seemed excited, we all know that a Project Runway trip to Universal Orlando would NOT involve Lazy River Rafting, eating Funnel Cake Sundaes or a trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Instead...
They were greeted by Tim looking like a model, and given their next challenge. Most likely, the only real R & R the designers got was sitting on their 3-hour flight from New York to Orlando and back--in their uncomfortable Economy Class seats. Hopefully, they got to recline!
#2....OMG! Roller Coaster Reachin' "Project Runway" REEEEALLY had to twist themselves into a Jumbo-Sized, Theme Park Pretzel to somehow incorporate a Universal Studios ride into a Streetwear Challenge! But.....I guess we should all be thankful that those poor designers weren't tasked with re-designing the uniforms for the Jurassic Park Cafe! Dinosaur Couture anyone?
#4....OMG! Ummm, Why is Cornelius Safe?! I've disagreed many times with the judges, but I've almost always understood them. This time, I was at a complete loss. Cornelius should have gone home. While Brik's was a mixed-print, Cirque Du Soleil-adjacent was, at least, well made. But Cornelius' was Hip-Hop Cheap and constructed so poorly it really did look like a 1st Semester Fashion School Project. I'm sorry judges, but WHY DIDN'T CORNELIUS GO HOME???
#5....OMG! Surprise, Surprise, Surprise...SURPRISE! Just as the judges surprised me with their elimination, they threw me for a bit of a loop with their choice of winner. I agreed with the Top 2 being Laurence and Nathalia, but... My personal favorite this week was Nathalia's oversized, bat-inspired, dolman sleeve coat-and-pant look. While I did like Laurence's red leather bomber jacket, her pants admittedly were a bit "droopy drawers"...But with that being said, I still give Laurence a big FELICITACIONS for getting her 2nd WIN of the season! SMILE MISS LAURENCE! YOU WON!
And now, here's my "Project Runway" Season 15 Recap on
And now, here's my "Project Runway" Season 15 Recap on

Last week on “Project Runway,” the designers were tasked with creating cocktail wear, but now it is time to take a design u-turn and see if the designers can do the opposite: streetwear. This is an especially ironic twist since last week’s eliminated designer was Tasha, the self-proclaimed “streetwear designer” who just couldn’t do cocktail. If she would have just stuck it out for one more week, she would have gotten a chance to prove herself. But alas, it was not meant to be, and now it’s time for the 10 remaining designers to show if they’ve got the know-how to make a woman chic in the Urban Jungle.
The episode begins with an out of left field montage of the designers riding the Universal Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster. Right as I am about to ask, “What is going on?” the episode rewinds to eight hours earlier. Heidi saunters onto the runway as the designers look on. Miss Klum asks a very tired group how they are feeling, and they muster a feigned, “Great!” She then announces that they are all taking a trip to Universal Orlando Resorts where Tim will meet them for their next challenge.
The designers have arrived in sunny Florida where...
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1 Response to "PROJECT RUNWAY....My TOP 5 OMG MOMENTS: Ep. 7"
I agree with you, Nick, on everything.
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