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Dance Fierce: Russia's Victoria Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalapov during their Short Dance--2017 NHK Trophy Osaka Japan

Finishing up my 2017 NHK Trophy ICE STYLE Costumes blogs, I have discussed the LADIES HERE, the MEN HERE and now it's time for the PAIRS and ICE DANCE Costumes. Some of the Pairs and Ice Dance skaters who skated at 2017 NHK Trophy--Sui and Han, Stolbova and Klimov, Virtue and Moir, and Hubbell and Donohue, for example--have already skated in some of the previous three 2017-2018 Grand Prix competitions/events and I have already covered them here in my blog. If you're wondering my thoughts on their costumes go HERE, HERE and HERE.

Now--it's time for the PAIRS and ICE DANCE costumes of 2017 NHK Trophy that I haven't discussed previously--let's start with the PAIRS:
Alexa Scimeca Knierim and Chris Knierim of USA: Alexa and Chris skated their Short Program to Come What May (Moulin Rouge soundtrack) wearing these costumes above. The color scheme stayed within a pretty lilac/lavender/purple category. Alexa's costume featured a beaded bustier-like corset-inspired costume giving hints of Nicole Kidman's in the movie/musical. What I really loved was Chris' look:

The subtle beading on Chris' neck was a nice touch, especially since there are so many close-ups of them while they are skating. I also liked the sheer softness of his top. 

Free Skate to Ghost - The Musical--For their Free Skate, Alexa and Chris wore these looks. they were less "costume-y" and quite classic and subtle. They were nice and I guess a good choice considering the musical accompaniment...well, at least the lilac-hued color story was similar to the Musical's posters!  Also.....
Alexa's costume reminded me of something Nancy Kerrigan might have worn and in addition, Alexa and Chris together reminded me of Gordeeva and Grinkov.

Kristina Astakhova and Alexei Rogonov of Russia: Short Program to Adagio For Strings by William BarberLacrimosa (from "Requiem in D Minor") by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and O Fortuna (from "Carmina Burana") by Carl Orff. These were great costumes worn by the Russian Pairs couple of Astakhova and Rogonov. There were elements of rawness and fight (mimicking the powerful music they skated to) plus the sweetness of the lightly dusted crystals and modernity of the asymmetrical hems. I also loved how both of their necklines were so similar and his costume looked like a perfect costume pair to hers. Speaking of her...

Love that open back: So Red Carpet/Runway Fab!

Anna Cappellini and Luca Lanotte of Italy: Cappellini and Lanotte skated their fun Short Dance to Cha Cha: Kaboom performed by Ursula 1000; Samba: Skip to the Bip performed by Club des Belugas; and Samba: 1008 Samba. While most of the Ice Dance men are utilizing this Samba/Rhumba/Cha-Cha Shorty Dance to be Muy Caliente Sexy Hot with their costumes (sheer, plunging and tighter!) here, while still super tight fitting, Luca is all covered up!! And in all black! I get that Anna's fuchsia-and-silver colored costume makes a bold color statement alone but still, I just wish he didn't look like a valet about to take my car away. Her costume, on the other hand, is one of my favorites of the season! It is spectacular with the crystal beaded bodice and fuchsia ruffled skirt that is just the right length for her teeny tiny frame. In a way, by making him fade away, it highlighted her even more...which was probably the point!

Free Dance to Biongiorno Principessa (from "La Vita e Bella" soundtrack), Life Is Beautiful (from "La Vita e Bella" soundtrack) by Nicola Piovani, arranged & performed by Mi Loco Tango, and La Vita e Bella (from "La Vita e Bella" soundtrack) by Nicola Piovani arranged by Claudio Mandonico. Cappellini and Lanotte are known for their very Italy-centric Ice dances and this Olympic Season was no exception for their Free Dance. She wore an ivory colored dress with beaded top section and nude illusion neckline. I thought she looked quite Mumsy and matronly and I just did not understand the nude illusion neckline; she looked like one of the ten wives of a cult leader! I did like Luca's high-waisted pants-and-shirt costume. The pants were super tight which was a good thing, but the colors were SOOOOO drab. I get the whole We're-Italian-peasants-dancing-up-a-storm theme but still, I wish they didn't look so sad and uninspiring.

Misato Komatsubara and Timothy Koleto of Japan: For their Short Dance to Salsa: Ahora Quien by Marc Anthony; Rhumba: Ahora Quien by Marc Anthony; and Samba: Samba do Brasil (Radio Remix) by Bellini, these are the costumes the Ice Dance team representing Japan wore. Remember what I said about how PLUNGING and how SEXY these Ice Dance men were costumed for their Latin-inspired Short Dances...Exhibit A: Timothy Koleto. Look at him compared to turtlenecked Luca Lanotte. Anyhow--I liked Timothy's look as well as Misato's dress. Her black and gold costume was exotic and more Near East Empress as opposed to Hello Havana...but it was great for the music/program as well as fun and impacting.

Free Dance to Where Is It Written? by Barbara Streisand, Michel Legrand, End Credits (from "Sabrina" soundtrack) by John Williams, and A Piece of Sky by Barbara Streisand, Michel Legrand--Komatsubara and Koleto wore the blue and black looks above for their Free Dance. These were romantic and pretty costumes. The beautiful rhinestones on her upper torso looked like a starry sky and I loved how they went from blue to silver. And I also appreciated how he got some of those rhinestones on his top--as if while touching her...or just being near her...he was "sprinkled" with Swarovski crystal dust!

Oleksandra Nazarova and Maksim Nikitin of Ukraine: Well HELLO FABULOSA!!! For their Short Dance to Rhumba: Chuvirico (from "Wanted") by Perez Prado; Mambo: Cu-cu-rru-cu-cu-paloma (from "Mambo No. 5) by Perez Prado, Rosemary Clooney; and Mambo: La Pantera Mambo (Pink Panther Theme) by Henry Mancini, this Ukrainian Ice Dance team--and especially her!--went all out Cha-Cha Queen. While admittedly, this is on the more "Kray-Kray" side of the Fiery Hot Samba/Rhuma/Cha-Cha costumes the ladies are wearing, it was still A LOT OF FUN to look at! I loved the bold purple and gold fringe and how it literally wrapped around her leg. With so much going on with her, it was kind of a nice "fringe commercial break" to have him just in black with a purple tie! 

Victoria Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalopov of Russia: One word: SEXYLICIOUS! This Russian Ice Dance pair were oozing S.E.X. I'm surprised the ISU didn't give them a "Not appropriate to be viewed by anyone under 16" rating! For their Short Dance to Rhumba: Agua de beber by Al Jarreau; Samba: Balumukeno by Bonga Kuenda; and Samba: Batacuda Brasileira, they wore these looks above. Nikita was "comfy sexy" in his un-tucked gray/black shirt and tight pants; not much there to see. It was Victoria who was Muy Caliente in her attire--if you could even call it that; she was barely wearing anything! Victoria's costume consisted of a beaded bra top and two swaths of asymmetrically cut fabric...and that's it! I thought the side cowl drape was interesting and I was kind of fascinated how she just looked as if she went into a bin and wrapped a couple of fabric scraps around her and called it a day. But in closer inspection...

These weren't just any fabrics but this beautiful silver gray paillette encrusted silk chiffon! And Ladies and Gentlemen, can we just take a minute to look at her incredible and fat-free SIX PACK ABS of STEEL!!??? Even Nikita was like "OH DEAR!!!!"

Free Skate to Piano Concerto No. 2 Op. 18 and Vocalise by Sergei Rachmaninov--For their Free Dance, they went much, much, MUCH more subdued, which made sense, especially with their classical musical accompaniment. They stayed in the same gray/black color theme as in their Short dance but this time, Victoria got a little more fabric yardage for her dress. I liked the delicate look of her costume and the shimmering waistband. In terms of Nikita, I have to be honest and say that I just didn't really understand his "shredded" and ripped shirt I-just-came-from-the-Apocalypse vibe. I wished he was more elegant here. 

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