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NICK APPEARANCES.....Welcome Nick Verreos Blog

As you may have read, ten months ago, I moved my fabulous blogsite from here to one with a company called UBER---well, now I am BACK!!!!! As a result of the stock market and negative economic situation, the backers of UBER.COM pulled out and the company was forced with the difficult decision to shut its "web doors". I had a lot of success at UBER and was saddened by the decision, but now I am back at my old BLOG "home"--BLOGGER.
Tell your friends and bookmark it .
We are in the process of uploading and saving all the UBER posts so we can place them here sometime in the near future, as well as updating this blogsite with new photos and video to reflect all that has being going on since I left ten months ago. Slowly but surely. So please be patient.
For now, I will begin writing new posts here--- about Project Runway, all things fashion, my upcoming Islands Of the World fashion show in the Bahamas, latest TV appearances, speaking events, red carpet parties, as well everything and anything that makes "Uncle Nicky" scream with joy!!!!!
I look forward to "a new beginning" and hope you follow me along.....
I promise that it will be a BLAST!!!!! A Chic blast!

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